Part 3

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Taehyung was going to walk past Jimin, but Jimin stopped him.

Tae: "I want to talk to Jungkook."

JM: "No way. And besides, what makes you think he wants to talk to you?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and went to walk past Jimin, but Jimin put his hand on his chest, stopping him. Taehyung looked down at his hand~

Tae: "Get your tiny hand off me."

JM: "I'm not going to let you bother Jungkook. Haven't you done enough already?"

Tae: "Excuse me? You were the ones who tried pulling a prank on me."

JM: "A prank that you deserve."

Taehyung started getting irritated~

Tae: "Why? Because Jungkook is a little wimp and won't stand up to me more often?"

JM: "Jungkookie is a nice person. Why do you treat him so badly?"

Tae: "Get out of my way. I didn't stop eating lunch to talk to you." He pushed past him.

Jimin grabbed him~

JM: "No. Just leave him alone! Just because he won't stand up to you, doesn't mean I won't."

Taehyung looked at him and laugh~

Tae: "Are you challenging me?"

JM: "Yeah... in fact I am."

Taehyung pulled away from Jimin's hands and faced towards him~

Tae: "I was going to try and be nice, but I can see you aren't going to let me."

Jimin laugh in a sarcastic tone~

JM: "You? Nice? Ha. That's a joke."

Taehyung gritted his teeth and tightening his fist~

Tae: "Do you wanna fight me?!"

JM: "Yeah, I do!"

Taehyung grabbed Jimin by the collar of his shirt~

Tae: "Fine. Meet me after school in the field."

JM: "After school it is."

The two gave each other dirty look before Taehyung let go of Jimin. Jimin straightened his collar and Taehyung walked back to the lunch room. Jimin walked around the school, looking around for Jungkook but he couldn't find him.
After getting permission from a teacher and getting a new shirt, Jungkook went to the boys shower room and was trying to clean off the ink as best as he could. He stood in the shower and frantically trying scrubbing the ink from his face and hair. Jungkook thinking to himself: "Why did Jimin talk me into doing that..? I hate myself for listening..."

He popped in and out of the shower to check in the mirror to see if the ink was coming out. It was disappearing somewhat, but not completely. After scrubbing and scrubbing, most of the ink was gone. A few spots remain darker though. As he was drying off, the bell rang.

By the time he was dried off and was clothed, the rest of the students had already gotten to class. He hurried down the hall. When he walked into the classroom, Jimin looked over at him feeling a sense of relief.

Teacher: "Jungkook...what are you doing late to class?"

Jungkook gave him a sorrowful bow~

JK: "I'm sorry. There was an accident and I had to change my uniform. It won't happen again.."

Teacher: "What kind of accident?"

The students started laughing.

The teacher smack his desk with a ruler, quieting everyone down~

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