Part 28

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Jungkook was laying in his bed when he finally came to a conclusion that the events that took place a few hours earlier weren't entirely a bad thing. Yes, he was mortified he allowed himself to be seduced to that extent by Taehyung in front of Yoongi and Jimin, but instead of looking at the negative side, he decide to look at the positive.

That night he looked back on what exactly it was that made him lose control around him. It wasn't just the simple kissing and touching, no. It was the consistent way Taehyung would rub his hands up and down his sides, the way he softened his voice to a gentle, sweet tone; bringing a sense of comfort and trust, the seductive look he gave him, accompany by the slight smile...just thinking about it all made Jungkook feel lightheaded but, it also made him feel a bit angry. He knew Taehyung had caught on and was using those tactics to get what he wanted, which ironic was the positive part. Now he could use that anger, from knowing exactly how Taehyung was manipulating him, to his advantage; hoping it would help toughening him up enough to stand up to Taehyung.

He wasn't sure if it was even going to work since he had never really been the angry type, but either way, he felt somewhat at ease knowing he at least had some sort of weapon to use against him...even if anger wasn't necessarily the best way to deal with, well, any situation.

But either way, the next day he went to school feeling like an entirely new person.
Present Day

A couple months had pass and Jungkook had indeed stayed true to the promise he made to himself. In the whole two months, he hadn't once giving Tae the opportunity to get him alone. Some times were harder than others when he started remembering how sweet Tae could be, but at the end of the day, he knew he couldn't allow himself to be manipulated.

Though, admittedly, the way he was avoided him was a bit extreme: faking sickness to get out of school early, switching up the route he took to school each day, practically killing himself while trying to get out of class before anyone else could if the sickness excuse didn't work...but, either way, one of them always seemed to work and that was all that mattered to him.

No, he hadn't been able to test his ability to resist Taehyung yet, since he was doing such a "good" job at avoiding him, but he still had that anger lock inside and was ready to release it if needed.
Jungkook talking to Jimin over the phone

JM: "All I can say is that I'm scared for you Kookie."

JK: "Why? You don't think I can resist him? Look at how well I have avoided him...that means something doesn't it?"

JM: "Resisting and avoiding are two different things...and so far you haven't done a very good job at even showing you are capable to resist him. I mean, literally running out of class...? That doesn't exactly screaming confidence. What are you going to do when you all move in together tomorrow? You can't just run away."

JK: "I'm not worried. Dad and Jina aren't getting married for a week, so they'll be there for a bit."

JM: "And when they are gone for two weeks on honeymoon...then what?"

JK: "I'll lock my bedroom door."

JM: "That's not going to work forever. There'll be a time that you will have to leave your bedroom in the middle of the night. And you know who will be waiting for you when that time does come? That's right...Taehyung." Jimin got a bit quieter before he continued~ "He'll probably be lurking in the hallway...waiting for your door to open so he can snatch you up..."

Jungkook stops him when he hears Jimin take in a breath~ "Stop right there. I don't need your dramatic reenactment."

JM: "Hey I'm just telling you how it is. Gotta think about the possibility."

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