Part 26

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It felt like an eternity as Jungkook stood there waiting for Taehyung to make his move. He was getting kind of scared, starting to believe he wasn't going to do it. If Taehyung didn't do it, it was going to devastate him. Especially now after what happen between them. He figured if he liked Taehyung enough to do that for him, Taehyung should be able to do this for him , no hesitations.
The hallways seemed to quieting down as Jungkook and Taehyung were standing there. They weren't quite sure if everyone had indeed gone silent, or if they were just so focused on each other that it was simple an illusion.

Either way, Taehyung leaned in a bit further while trying to psyche himself up in his thoughts~ "Come on. I can do this, I can do this. I like Jungkook, don't I?"

But as he was just about to finally work up enough courage, he noticed something in the corner of his eye. He glanced over and seen some students were whispering to each other, which caused the nervous feeling in his stomach to instantly growing worse. He didn't even have to know what they were saying to know what they were thinking.

Seeing them made him wonder if everyone else was whispering about them too. As he looked around he noticed a big crowd of people had stopped and were watching them intently.

Tae whispered nervously~ "J-Jungkook...look at how many people has gathered.."

Jungkook placed his hand on Tae's face, forcing him to look back at him. He originally wasn't going to say anything to him or try and force anything, but he was getting desperate as he seen Tae started to back away. He didn't want Tae to back out, because he knew if he did, it would be a dead giveaway that he didn't care enough about their relationship to put his own "reputation" aside. And Jungkook wasn't sure if he was going to be able to handle that.

Jungkook says quietly~ "Ignore them...please. You want to be with me don't you..?"

Tae: "Y-yes. But.."

Jungkook looked into Tae's eyes that were filled with worry, he says quietly~ "Then forget about everyone else. Kiss me like you would if no one was watching."

Tae redirected his gaze into Jungkook's eyes, It had never been so hard to kiss Jungkook before. Not even the first time he kissed him. But now that all these people were watching, it made it almost impossible for him to do anything. He was filled with so much anxiety, it practically immobilize him.

Jungkook gave him a reassuring nod to let him know it was going to be ok. The nod somehow made Taehyung feel at ease, break him out of his frozen state.

He moved in closer, the gap between their lips slowly diminishing. Jungkook's heart started racing as their lips were now no more than a few inches apart. Deep down, he was a bit nervous about kissing in front of other people as well, but that was only because he wasn't used to all this attention on him.
Thoughts about what their relationship was going to be like after this kiss rushed through Jungkook's head in those few moments Tae was inching close to his lips. But, his thoughts were cut off when he hears a familiar voice call out~

HS: "Taehyung? Jungkook?"

The two boys looked over in their direction. Hoseok, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi had finally made it out of the cafeteria. The 3 (excluded Yoongi) had confused expressions on their face when they noticed the crowd of people who have formed, and not to mention the awkward closeness of Jungkook and Taehyung.

All the confidence Tae had built up instantly plummeted back down when he seen them. He looked to his friends, then back to Jungkook...



Tae says loud enough for the students standing around to hear~ " food on you lip." Tae reached up and wiped Jungkook's lip off with his thumb, then slowly took a step back. Jungkook's hand slid down the side of Tae's cheek as he stepped away from him.

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