Part 8

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Since Jimin and Jungkook decided to go to the end of the year dance together, they realized they probably should get some nice clothes to wear even though it was still a few months away.

Jimin's mom drop them off to the mall since there was a place in there that sold affordable dress clothes.

Mom: "Here's some money you two." She pulled some cash out of her purse and handed some to them.

Jungkook gave her a head bow~

JK: "Thank you ma'am. I will ask my dad to pay you back."

Mom: "No no. Don't you worry about that. Just make sure and get something nice ok?"

Jungkook and Jimin nodded. They said thank you again and got out of the car.

Mom: "Call me when you are ready for me to come get you. There should be enough money there to buy lunch too." She said out the window.

Jimin and Jungkook waved to her and went into the mall. They walked around for a bit looking at random stuff then went to the clothing store.

JK: "Your mom is so nice."

JM: " you." He laughed.

JK: "My mom used to always pick my dress clothes for me, so I don't even know where to start...too bad she isn't here to help."

Jimin patted his shoulder, comforting him~

JM: "I'm sure she would be proud of you. You're growing up!"

Jungkook smiled sadly and continued looking at some pants~

JK: "It's just hard for me. She loved February because her and dad got married during this month."

JM: "I know kookie...but I'm here for you."

Jungkook lost his mother a few years ago. Coincidentally it was the same day as the end of the year dance.

JK: "I know, and thank you for that...but I just don't understand how dad can go off to France with some other woman...especially when their anniversary is coming up."

JM: "Everyone cope with loss in different ways. I'm sure he hates to be alone and that is why he is talking to another woman."

JK: "Yeah, but I know mom wouldn't be happy.."

JM: "I'm sure she wouldn't want him to be alone either kookie. Your dad has been so much happier since he met that woman it seems."

JK: "Don't you miss your dad when he leaves for long periods of time?"

JM: "Yes. But, I know he has to work. So I don't get mad at him."

JK: "Too bad your mom and my dad couldn't get together." He mumbled quietly to himself so Jimin didn't hear. "Anyways, find anything you could look good in? If that's even possible.." He smirked.

JM: "Hey...that wasn't very nice."

JK: "Just getting my revenge for what you said to me."

Jungkook grabbed a white button up shirt and a pair of slim-fit black trousers~

JK: "How about these?"

JM: "Simple. Not too dressy, but dressy enough. I think it will look good on you."

JK: "I don't want to stand out, so I think this will be good too."

JM: "If you don't want to stand out, maybe you shouldn't be so cute." He pinched Jungkook cheeks and gave a cute eye smile.

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