Part 4

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Jungkook lay there, his heart beating fast. Taehyung's forcefulness somehow...excited him.

JM: "Kookie??"

Jungkook snap out of it and looked up at Jimin. He sat up and peeked around Jimin to Taehyung who was walking down the field with his friends, his arm still around Tzuyu.

JK: "...are Taehyung and Tzuyu going out?"

A confused expression came across Jimin's face~

JM: "What? Taehyung just slammed you into the ground...and that's what you're worried about?"

JK: "I'm not worried...I'm just curious."

Jimin shook his head. Putting Jungkook's odd response to the side, he grabbed Jungkook hands and pull him up off the ground~

JM: "You're not hurt are you?"

JK: "My hand hurts a little bit, but other than that...I'm fine."

JM: "I can't believe you actually punched him!"

JK: " neither." He looked down at his hand and rubbed it.

JM: "He deserved it...I can't believe he teased you about liking him. Who could ever like him??"

JK: "It looks like Tzuyu does.."

JM: "Well then, she's whack. Come on, let's go to my's been a crazy day."

Jungkook nodded slowly and the two of them started walking. Jungkook took one look back at Taehyung and Tzuyu before they got out of sight.
TY: "I was hoping for a little more action...but it was nice of you to spare Jeon Jungkook like that."

Tae: "Beating up Jungkook would be like beating up a baby. He has no chance against, it's not really fair. But, that doesn't mean I won't if he push me to the point."

TY: "So, what's the deal between you two anyways? Why don't you guys like each other?"

Taehyung was quiet for a moment,

Tae: "He's just really annoying."

TY: "Annoying? Huh, he seems quiet to me."

Tae: "He is.'s complicated."

The look on Jungkook's face when Taehyung grabbed him was imprint in his mind. Jungkook looked scared, but there was also something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Taehyung thinking to himself: "Was he...blushing?"

TY: "Well...there's my ride."

Tzuyu waved to the boys and walked over to a car. Taehyung and the others walked down the sidewalk.

HS: "So, did it hurt when Jungkook hit you??"

Taehyung rubbed his jaw, it hurt to the touch~

Tae: "A little bit...but I can tell he wasn't giving me his all."

YG: "What if he knocked you out? Talk about embarrassing.."

Tae: "Jungkook isn't that strong. Yeah, the punch kind of hurt, but I doubt he could knock me out...even if he did use all his strength."

NJ: "Don't be so sure about that...I hear the quiet types are the ones you should look out for."

Tae: "Eh. I'm not worried....I just hope he doesn't get used to me going easy on him. Because next time, I won't."
Jimin's House

After the boys ate, studied and watched a movie, Jimin got into his bed and Jungkook laid down on the mattress that Jimin's mom had laid out for him. The two of them talked for awhile before going to bed, quietly, so Jimin's mom didn't hear that they were still awake.

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