Down Memory Lane

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-10 years ago- | School Fair

Sunhee, who was working at the smoothie stand, hands a seven year old Jungkook a cup and straw.

"Thanks mom! I'm going to go find Jiminie!" Jungkook says in a cheerful tone.

Sunhee pats Jungkook's head, says with a smile, "Okay, sweetie. Be careful and make sure not to wander off too far."

JK: "I won't, mom." Jungkook waves and heads down the opposite way, following the path.

Jungkook walks for a few minutes, looking through the crowd of other children who were walking with their parents; keeping an eye out for Jimin and Eunmi.


After walking for several more minutes, he notices a nicely shaded area that would be a good place to stop and wait. He walks over and plops down in the grass underneath a big tree; it being out of the way, but not too far where he couldn't see all the people who passed.

Jungkook scoots backwards against the tree and crossed his legs, lifts the cup he was holding onto up to his mouth. As he was wrapping his lips around the drinking straw, he hears a faint "Psst.."

Jungkook looks side to side, but doesn't see anything. So, thinking he was just hearing things, he proceeds to suck from the straw.


As Jungkook was still drinking his smoothie, he tilts his head back and looks up to see a boy sitting up in the tree, looking down at him.

"Hi boy from class I've never talked to before." The boy says to him.

Jungkook removes his lips from the straw, still looking up at him, he waves and says, "Hello!"

The boy swings his legs back and fourth, says, "What are you drinking??"

Jungkook looks down at his cup then back at him, says, "It's a strawberry and banana smoothie. Do you want to try some?"

The boy nods his head, "Mhm."

Jungkook stands up and gets on his tippy toes, trying to make himself as tall as possible as he held the cup up to him. Unfortunately, though, the boy's outstretched arm didn't even come close to it, so he frowns.

Jungkook lowers the cup back down, say, "Why don't you come down here with me?"

The boy looks down and gulps, says in a shaky voice, " about you come up here." He puts his hand above his eyes, blocking out the sun and looks around the school courtyard, says, "It's really pretty view from up here."

Figuring he would be able to spot Jimin and Eunmi better from up there, Jungkook says, "Ok!" Before attempting to climb up the tall tree, he places the little cover over the straw's hole and shoves the cup into his oversized coat pocket.

Noticing that the cup was half way out of his pocket as Jungkook was climbing up, the boy says, "You're going to spill it."

JK: "No I won't." Jungkook grabs onto the branches and begins pulling himself up, making sure to be extra careful that the cup didn't fall out. When Jungkook got close enough, the boy reaches down and grabs onto his hand, giving him extra support.

Jungkook swung his leg over the branch and pulls himself up onto it, rotates himself around to face towards the courtyard. The boy gives Jungkook a goofy looking, open mouthed smile and says, "Hiii."

Jungkook giggles at his goofy smile, says, "Hi again." He pulls his cup from his pocket and hands it to the boy, says, "Be careful, it's really col-"

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