Down Memory Lane PT. 4

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(continuation from DML pt. 3, so if you haven't read that one, go read it first or you're gonna be confuuuused.)

Tae's house | 3am

Yohan unlocks and quietly opens the front door, closing it behind him as he walks inside. After taking off his coat, Yohan goes to sneak up the stairs; only to freeze when he sees Jina who was standing at the top of them.
"Jina.." He says quietly. "...what are you doing up so late?"

Jina crosses her arms and stares down at him. "I could be asking you the same thing...where were you?"

Yohan clears his throat and walks up the stairs, stopping in front of her. "I had to go out and grab something from the mini-mart."

"And it took you three hours to do that?"

Yohan rubs the back of his neck, says, "I just needed some time to myself, ok? Now please...move aside so I can get to bed. I have to wake up early tomorrow."

As Yohan was trying to step by, Jina stands in his way; blocking his path. "Tell me what's going on, Yohan. Right now."

"Nothing is going on, ok?? I just had to get out and blow off some steam. Geez...I didn't know leaving was against the rules."

"It's not that you just 'left.' You left for 3 hours in the middle of the night without even telling me where you were going. Only people who have something to hide leave in the middle of the night without telling their wife."

"You're overreacting. Now move." He says as he, once again, tried walking past her.

Jina grabbed his arm, stopping him. She leaned forwards and looked down at his neck, spotting a few purplish, brown spots on his neck; smelling the scent of an unfamiliar cologne mixed with his own as she was doing so. "Are those...what I think they are??"

Yohan yanked her hand away from him and covered his neck with it. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"T-those are hickeys, aren't they??"

Yohan went quiet and looked at her directly in the eyes. "You're not going to want me to answer that, I would suggest you go back to bed, Jina."

"Y-you're cheating on me, aren't you?"

Yohan removed his hand from his neck. "Don't act surprised. You knew things were rough between us."

Jina grabbed onto the collar of his shirt. "I-I can't believe you...we have a son together and you're off sleeping with some other woman..!"

Yohan yanked her hand off of his shirt. "I'm not sleeping with another woman."

"Fucking liar! You've been caught! Just admit it!"

"I'm not going to admit to something that isn't true. I didn't sleep with a woman."

"Then who did you sleep with, huh?? A man??" She says with a sarcastic tone.

Yohan stared at her with a serious expression, not saying a word.

Jina's eyes widen. "D-don't you dare tell me it was a man..."

" was. He cares about me. Unlike you. He sits there and listens to all my worries, when you just complain and worry about when my next pay check is coming in so you can get your fucking manicures."

Jina tightened her fists. "I can't believe you would stoop so low to stick your dick in another man!"

Yohan, being fed up with her, says, "And you wanna know the surprising thing about that?" Yohan leaned in closer to her. "It was fucking fantastic."

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