Part 20 (HS)

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Highschool (grade 10)

Three months had pass since the events that took place at the dance. Jungkook and Tae haven't spoke all summer.

Jungkook still thought Tae had set him up the entire time, and needless to say he was still mad at him. Jimin had told him that Tae admit to the plan being his idea, but Jimin didn't know the entire story and took it the wrong way.

Unfortunately for Tae, that meant Jungkook didn't want anything to do with him. Jungkook hadn't even given Tae a chance to explain himself like he had attempted to the day of graduation.

On top of that, the two were unaware Jina and Hojin were talking about marriage and moving in together...and much sooner than they could imagined. They were kind of hesitant to tell Jungkook and Taehyung, knowing things were rocky between them. Though they did not know exactly why. But either way, they were going to do it whether Jungkook and Tae wanted them to or not.

First day of school

Jungkook and Jimin were walking down the the hallway when Jungkook gasped. Jimin looks over, says~ "What's wrong??"

Jungkook grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled him behind a group of people. Jungkook says~ "Keep your head down." Jimin did as Jungkook said, even though he didn't know what he was talking about.

Taehyung, Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin were walking down the hall. Luckily for Jungkook, they didn't notice them. Jungkook let out a groan when the guys passes, he says~ "Crap...I swear wherever I go, whatever I do I always end up having to deal with Taehyung one way or another."

JM: "You have some serious bad luck."

JK: "It's like we were bound together by fate or something."

JM: "That...or he is one of those obsessed stalkers who knows your every location and spends every waking moment trying to figure out out how he can include himself into your daily life. But I highly doubt that's the case."

Jungkook looked over at Jimin and says sarcastic~ "Thanks Jiminie. You've always known how to ease my worries."

JM: "That's what friends are for."

The two look back, the guys all turned into the office. Jungkook couldn't help but to notice how much Taehyung had changed in the short three months.

Before, Taehyung always tried to make himself look "bad ass" by wearing expensive shoes, and jackets along with his school uniform. Even going as far as wearing a bandana headband once. But that didn't sit with the teachers too well...he was lucky he got away with wearing what he did.

Now Taehyung dressed respectful like the rest of the students did, not making any changes to his school uniform. He was actually followed the rules for once.

JK: "...did you notice how handsome Taehyung looked?"

Jimin elbowed Jungkook, says~ "Don't start. We talked about this..."

JK: "Don't start what?"

JM: "Falling for him again."

JK: "I just thought he changed a lot in 3 months. That's all."

JM: "Yes...I agree he does look handsome, but I'm sure he's still the same jerk as he was in middle school."

JK: "I guess we'll find out soon enough...oh and did you notice Min Yoongi wasn't with them?"

JM: "Yeah that's strange. I wonder if he went to a different highschool."

JK: "I hope so. The less of them, the better."

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