Part 38

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Jae: "What does this even matter to you, dude?"

Jiho: "You're too nice of a person, Jae. This is going to be the second time you let someone use you."

Jae: "I'm sure Jungkook wasn't using me...he's just not that type of person."

Jiho: "Are you listening to yourself? Even a child could figure out he was using you and leading you on."

Jae: "Even if that's so...what can we possibly do that won't get us into a shit load of trouble? Nothing."

Jiho: "How can we get in trouble if no one knows it's us?"

Jae groans as he was being pulled towards the gym doors where they seen Tae and Jungkooo go into, and Jiho says, "Now come on...let's give these two something to think about other than each other's cocks."
Tae wraps his arms around Jungkook's waist who was straddling him on the bench. He kisses the tip of Jungkook's nose, says, "Why are you so cute..?"

Jungkook blushes and pressed his forehead against Tae's, says, "Why are you being so sweet all of a sudden..? What happened to the big and bad Taehyung?"

Tae: "Sometimes bad Tae needs a break...but he'll be back tonight when we're alone.." His seductive smile turned into a sweet one as he continues, "Unless you're still sore, of course...otherwise he can hold off for another day or two." He gave him another kiss on the nose.

"As much as I love your bad side..." Jungkook tilted his head to the side and leans in closer, says, "I love this..*kiss*..cute, sweet side of you too."

Tae: "Mmm..." He leans in and gives Jungkook's a long kiss, says, "Is that banana I taste?"

Jungkook lifts up a bit and pulls some banana flavored chapstick out of his back pocket, says, "Mhm." He pulls the cap off and applies it to his lips, "Want some..?"

Tae nods and Jungkook put the chapstick to his lips. "No, no." Tae says as he lowers Jungkook's hand down, presses his lips to Jungkook's. Jungkook couldn't help but to smile as Tae goofily squished his lips against his. After his lips were nicely covered with Jungkook's chapstick, Tae pulls away, letting out a exaggerated "MWAH" as he did so.


I personally like both

Jungkook giggles and runs his hand through Tae's hair, his smile soon fading though when his mind started to drift to other, more serious things. "Tae..?"

Tae: "Yes Kookie?"

JK: "...I'm worried."

Tae's face turned into a more serious one after hearing Jungkook's tone of voice. "What are you worried about..?" He asks as he lifts his hand up to move Jungkook's hair back.

JK: "When our parents come are we going to continue on with this relationship..?"

Tae: "I told you, don't worry about that Kookie. We'll figure it all out when the time comes."

JK: " yourself said your mom is homophobic. And not only that, but the two are so caught up thinking we should act like real brothers to fulfill this "happy family" dream that they have...they would never allow this."

Tae: "Well...then that's their problem. If they want to go by those unrealistic expectations, let them...I'll end my relationship with my mother before I end mine with you."

Jungkook pulls away from a bit, says, "You would..?"

Tae: "In a heartbeat."

JK: "But she's your mother...someone who took care of you all your life. And I'm"

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