Chris Redfield

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Either watch or play the game before reading this. You'll understand it better. It's up to you!

Takes place after the final boss. After the game ends. During the Not a Hero DLC. I recommend watching either Achievement Hunter or Markipler play this. But again it's up to you!


Laying on the ground breathing heavily I looked up at the sky. Faint sounds of a helicopter caused me to try to sit up. Feeling a hand grab my arm I look towards the hand. Seeing Ethan holding onto my arm trying to hold me up. After a couple of minutes, I whispered, "Lucas that son of a b**ch.... he got away." Ethan chuckled and helped me up. I looked and saw some guy walking towards us.

"I'm Redfield," he said. I watched as more people came out of the helicopter. Rolling my eyes at nothing I looked back at Redfield only to find him already looking at me.

"Where were you guys?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

Instead of answering me he looked towards Ethan. The only thing that was on my mind was killing Lucas. Glancing around I spotted a spare helmet and quickly ran over to grab it. As I began to walk away, my whole body got pulled towards something hard. That something hard was Redfield.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked.

"What I think I'm doing... is going to kill Lucas," I replied.

I ripped my arm out of his hand. Turning back towards the entrance of the mines. Picking up a shotgun and a pistol on the way I continued on my way.


Finally getting to the mines, I heard the elevator start to go back up. Sighing I know someone is on their way down. Decoding two bodies is better than one, I wait. Once the elevator reaches the bottom, I look up. Redfield comes out and stops in front of me.

"Redfield... Are you going to help me?" I asked.

"Chris," he said.


"My name is Chris. I thought you should know my name for when I save you."

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and said, "are you going to help me or not?"

He nodded. Smirking I put on my helmet, and he put on his. Walking further into the mines putting or guns up we turned a corner. A black goo monster came out of nowhere. Chris shot it once and as it staggered he punched it straight in the face. Or what I think is a face. My eyes go wide and whisper, "well sh*t..." He says nothing and continues.

Coming up to a metal door my stomach dropped. I had a bad feeling about this. Chris opened the door and walked in with no hesitation. Quickly following after him I stayed away while he went to two of his men. Watching, one of his men turned out to be Lucas. The moment I saw his face I raised my gun.

"I don't think so (Y/N). My hand could slip and..." Lucas said.

Before I could pull the trigger, Lucas pressed a button, and the guys head exploded. Starring at the dead body in shock I blocked everything out of my mind. All I could focus on is the body. What pulled me out of my trance was Chris dragging me out of the room. Getting to the nest room, I noticed the room was full of weird gas. Chris' hand slid down my arm and into my hand as he continued to pull me. Once we got out of the contaminated room, I let go of his hand. He stopped and turned towards me.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"It's not your fault," he said.

Looking at him I let a single tear fall down my cheek. I think he could tell I was crying because he pulled me into his arms.

"(Y/N)... I like that name... it suits you," he said trying to calm me down. I sighed and hugged him tighter.

"Now if you want to kill Lucas we have to keep moving," he whispered in my ear.


We stood in front of a large metal door with giant locks on it. Taking a deep breath, I looked towards Chris.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked.

I nodded while lifting my gun. Pushing open the door I walked straight in Chris following behind me. Walking straight ahead Lucas jumped in front of me. He started swinging a knife in my face causing me to fall on the ground. Kicking him in the chest, he staggered backward. Before I could shoot him, Chris beat me to it. Standing back up I watched as Lucas started to turn into goo. Something coming off of him caused me to start blacking out.


*Chris' P.O.V.*

Watching Lucas turn was gross. I turned towards (Y/N) only to see her passed out on the floor. ON my way over to her I blacked out. When I woke up, I saw a giant pulsating sack on the ceiling. Quickly getting up, I looked around for (Y/N) only to see her still passed out. 

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V. *

Groaning I started sitting up until I saw a giant goo monster. My eyes widen, and I quickly got up grabbing my guns. We were about to have an epic battle against Lucas. 


Chris took the last shot to Lucas' head and rushed over to the computer. Taking off my helmet I looked up at Chris. He took off his helmet and started walking over to me. 

"What--" I started to say. He cut me off by kissing me. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands fell to my hips and pulled me closer. We pulled apart to breathe and just looked into each other's eyes. 

"What was that about?" I asked.

"I told you I would save you," he said smirking. 

Rolling my eyes, I sighed sarcastically and said, "just shut up and kiss me you, idiot." 

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