Ethan Winters

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Dialogue Prompt: 

"You look..."

"Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?"


Ethan and I got split up awhile ago and... I'm terrified. I think he found his way outside, so I started making my way out. When I opened up the door something rushed across the lawn scaring me. The trailer in the middle of the lawn was lit up so I rush to its door. When I turned around to close the door something started running towards the door. Slamming the door shut I started hyperventilating. Something fell to my right causing me to whip my head in its direction. Sighing when I saw Ethan standing there instead of something else. 

"You look..." he said.

"Beautiful, I know. Can we move on?" I snapped at him. 

His eyes widen after I snapped at him, but shook it off. 

"Where have you been?" I asked.

"I've been trying to find a way out of here..." 

"And you were going to leave me here?" 

"No I just wanted to keep you safe until I find a way out." 

Nodding I walked over to him. Taking his extra hand gun I walked back towards the door. 

"Trust me honey I can take care of myself." 

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