Ethan Winters

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(D/N): Dog Name

(Y/T): Your Town


Road Trip AU


Working 9 to 5 for the past four years takes a toll on you. The only thing that makes me happy is my dog (D/N). He's a pitbull (I'm sorry if you don't like them)  and just a big bundle of joy. Sure there are times where he's a little too sassy, but I love him overall.

I decided last minute to take two weeks off of work just to go on a road trip with (D/N). I don't know where we're going, but we're going!


I woke up at 10:30 in the morning to get a good lead to where ever I'm going. Once I packed all my bags into the car I grabbed (D/N)'s leash. When he saw I grabbed his leash, he started jumping around and going crazy. Leading him outside I locked my door and headed out to the car. Putting (D/N) in the passenger seat I rushed over to the driver side.

"You ready for a road trip (D/N)?" I asked getting a bark as a response.


We've been about 10 hours since we started this road trip. I'm about thirty minutes away from the next town and not excited.  I just want to sleep so bad right now.

Turning on my blinker, I started to go towards the exit ramp. Once I got out of it, I saw a Wal-Mart quickly deciding I'll just park and get some sleep. Before I could get some sleep, I had to walk (D/N).


I woke up around 7 and decided to drive to the nearest park. Grabbing (D/N)'s leash I opened the door only to have (D/N) rush out of the car before I could grab him. Slamming the door shut I ran after him.

"(D/N)! (D/N) come back here!" I yelled.

I watched as (D/N) jump up onto someone causing them to fall to the ground. Sprinting towards them I pulled (D/N) off them and put his leash on.

"I'm so sorry he's not usually like this," I said.

I pulled (D/N) off him and tried to help him up.

"It's all right. He's just a big bundle of fluff," He replied and bent down to pet (D/N).

"Wow, you're the first person to think that," I whispered.

He smiled up at me, and I just got lost in his eyes. 

'I think I just found my soulmate,' I thought.

"My names Ethan. Are you from around here?" He asked pulling me out of my trance.

"I'm (Y/N) and um... no. Yesterday I told myself I needed a break from my 9 - 5 job and decided on a road trip.  I'm from (Y/T)," I replied.

"Wow. That's like 10 hours away."

"Hehe...yeah. I just need to get away. I'm sorry again for (D/N) jumping on you."

"No. It's okay it was nice to meet you," He said with a smile.

"And it was nice to meet you too," I said and watched as he walked away.

(D/N) nudged me and pulled my attention away from Ethan.


I got a motel in this town and decided to stay for a while. Right now I was walking towards a local café to get a cup of coffee. When I got to the door, I saw that dogs were not allowed inside. I hooked (D/N)'s leash to a poll outside and gave him some water. 

I tried to get my coffee as quick as I could to get back to (D/N). Grabbing my coffee, I walked out the door to see Ethan again petting (D/N).

"Well it's nice to see you again," I said.

"I knew I recognized this bundle of fluff," He replied while continuing to pet him.

"Are you going to work or something?"

"Um... no. I was looking for you."

"How come?"

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go out."

"Woah. You just meet me yesterday, and you already want to go out?"

"Can we at least go on a walk? Cause we can't take (D/N) into most places."

Smiling up at him I nodded and linked arms with him.


Ethan took us to a local dog park I didn't know about. We played with (D/N) until he got tired. Sitting at a picnic table with Ethan across from me and (D/N) underneath the table.

"So what are your plans with this road trip?" he asked.

"Well, I don't know. I wanted to find some cool places to hike, so I could take (D/N)," I replied.

"I know some places. Would you mind if one more person tagged along?"

I smiled at him and set my hand on his, "of course you can come."


Four years later

It was mine and Ethan's four-year anniversary, and he already made plans. He took me out to dinner and then decided to walk off our meal.

I wasn't watching where I was going instead I was looking at Ethan's face.

"What are you looking at?" He questioned.

"You. And I'm just glad I went on that road trip," I whispered.

"Yeah. And I'm glad Zoe gave you that job," he whispered back.

Smirking I looked forward and saw the same dog park he took me the first - well second - time we met. I almost started crying seeing (D/N) sitting right next to the same picnic table from years ago. Walking over to the table I knelt down to pet (D/N) when a box dropped from his collar. Grabbing it, I stood back up to turn to Ethan. He was already down on one knee with his hand out. And that's when I started bawling my eyes out.

"(Y/N). Four years ago today we left this town to go on a road trip. Throughout that road trip, we made a lot of bad choices. But they are all good memories to me. The day I meet you all I wanted to do was make a lot of good memories with you. But now I want to make some great memories. So let's start with... (Y/N) (L/N) will you do me the honors of becoming Mrs. Winters," He said with so much emotion that all I could do was cry and nod.

He stood up and slid the ring on my finger. Pulling me close he whispered, "I love you, and I can't wait for what our future holds."

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