Ethan Winters

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Ethan and I just got out of the main house and were now in the trailer in the middle of the yard. Ethan was digging through a green box behind me as I paced up and down the length of the trailer. As I watched Ethan stand up from the box and turn towards me I took a deep breath. Falling to the ground I heard Ethan rush towards me. He rolled me onto my back and looked into my eyes. 

"(Y/N) are you okay?" he questioned. 

Sighing I closed my eyes and replied with a simple, "no." 

As Ethan stood up he kicked me in the side. 

"If you want to get out of this place quicker you need to get up," he said.

Taking a shaky breath I opened my eyes and slowly stood up. Looking up I made eye contact with Ethan, he gave me a small smile and grabbed my hand. He slowly moved his hands to my face and brushed away the tears I didn't know escaped. 

"You don't need to cry. I'm going to be by your side all the way through this," he whispered to me as he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm just so scared."

"I'm here so you don't have to be brave. okay?"

I nodded and pulled away from him to wipe my tears away. He held out his hand that had a knife in it. I grabbed it and followed him out of the door. 


Blinking my eyes rapidly I quickly looked around me. Hoping to find either Ethan or Mia I got disappointed when I found no one. Standing up I finally turned around to look behind me. I was shocked to find a giant boat. How has no one seen this?! The government was probably hiding something...

Before I could start going into the boat I heard a helicopter in the distance. Looking for it quickly I started waving my hands to get someone's attention. I guess someone saw me and they landed about a football field length away. I smiled a little when I thought about Ethan. I can't just leave him here! When I looked back towards the helicopter to see a man jogging towards me. I turned back towards the ship and started to fight with myself in my head. Before I could make a desition the man was right in front of me. He pulled me from my trance by grabbing my arm. I was terrified right now!

"What are you doing here?" the man asked me. 

"I.... um..." I was shaking at this point. 

The man started dragging me towards the helicopter before I could actually respond. 'We couldn't leave Ethan here!' Pushing the man away from me I started running towards the ship. Before I could actually take three steps the man grabbed me and knocked me out. 


*Ethan's P.O.V.*

I finally killed Eveline and now I need to find (Y/N). I slowly sat up as a helicopter flew over my head. As I stood up a man slowly walked over to me. 

"I'm Redfield," he said. 

"I need to find my friend," I said. 

"Don't worry we found her."

"Is she okay?" 

"Why don't you see for yourself?" 

Before he could say anything else I ran over to the helicopter. Once I made eye contact with (Y/N) I let out a breath of air that I didn't know I was holding in. She was looking right at me crying. Rushing towards her I pulled her into my arms holding her tight to my body. 

"It's okay I right here for you," I whispered to her. 

"I so glad you're okay," she whispered back. 

We sat there in silence as they took us away from this bad place. 


It's officially been three weeks since (Y/N) and I left the Baker farm. Ever since that whole thing I've been working for the Umbrella corperation. I know what you're thinking 'why are you working for the company that killed your ex-wife?'. Well, it keeps (Y/N) safe so I took the job. Instead of her having to work every day she has the chance to fulfill her dreams. It makes her happy. Smiling to myself I opened to door to our shared apartment and heard music playing. Slowly walking towards the music I found (Y/N) dancing in the living room. Smirking to myself I leaned up against the door frame. 

"How long have you been there?" (Y/N) asked.

"Not that long," I answered back. 

A slow song came on as I walked over to her. Grabbing her hands I slowly started to dance with her. She smiled up at me as her music continued to play. I'm glad all the Baker stuff is behind us. If that never happened then I would never have these moments with her. 

Pulling her closer to me I smiled and just enjoyed the moment. 

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