Clancy - Soulmate AU

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I had about 35 minutes before I had to get back to work. So me being me I decided to quickly run down to a coffee shop.

Opening up the door I heard the bell chime and saw people look at me. There were a couple of people in line, so I had to wait for my turn.

Looking around the shop, my eyes landed on a good looking man. The saw him lift his coffee cup to his lip and drink from the straw.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I thought, 'who the hell drinks hot coffee with a straw.'

I looked back in front of me and gave them my order. While I waited for my coffee, I checked my phone just to past the time.

Taking my coffee, I found a seat and just started doodling on a napkin. Someone sat down in front of me causing me to jump slightly. Looking up I found the man that was drinking coffee with a straw earlier. 

"Can I help you?" I asked looking the man in the eyes.

"Once I saw you I thought you had the most beautiful eyes," he said putting his head on his hands.

My eyes went wide when I realized that was supposed to be what my soulmates first thoughts were.  I should now because it's been tattooed on my wrist since I was born. I have to find out if he's my soulmate.

"Well, once I saw you I thought who drinks coffee with a straw," I said with a smirk on my face.

He stopped and straightened up a bit. Staring at each other he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Looking at each other for another 30 seconds he finally said something.

"Are you my soulmate?" he whispered.

"I hope so," I whispered back.

"What are you doing later?"

"I'm free at seven tonight."

"Great! Um... wanna see a movie?"

Handing him a sticky note with my address and phone number I got up. As I made my way back to work, I was the happiest I've ever been.


Sorry, it's short!! And again for my posting schedule...

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