Crossover Part 2

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Quick Warning!: There are swear words in this!!!


"I think that was the thing that sent us here," I spoke, turning towards the brothers.

"Wait. How?" Sam asked.

"I don't know how, but did you see the purple flash in its eyes. It's the same purple flash that we saw before we were transported here."

"Okay, so now what?" Dean asked, getting slightly annoyed.

"We go find that thing and get out of here, duh!" I snapped back.

"Is anyone going to tell me what's going on?" Ethan asked.


"So you're telling me you're not from here and that things we just saw sent you here?" Ethan asked as we passed back and forth. 

"Yeah. That's pretty much it. We'll help you get your girlfriend or wife or whatever she is. Then we have to find a way to get back home," I nonchalantly replied.

"Wait, how much do we have to do now?" Dean asked, looking at me.

"Oh... we're kind of in the middle," I said, standing up straight.

"Wait, now where do we go?" Sam asked.

"We have the code we can go back to the room that Lucas went into," Ethan said, turning around.

"Are we suppose to follow him?" Dean asked.

"Yes. He's a lot more assertive then I thought," I said, smiling to myself.


"Okay, well good going (Y/N)! Now we're trapped in here!" Dean yelled at me.

"How is this my fault!" I yelled back.

"Because it was your Xbox!"

"That you moved and left on!"

"Guys! You're not helping," Ethan yelled at us, "now, are you going to help me get us out of here, or are you going to continue arguing?"

"We'll help," Dean and I said at the same time.

Dean went a completely different way, while I went the actual way I needed to go.


"You guys stay back here. It'd be for the best," I whispered to Sam and Dean.

They didn't question me, only nodded and stepped back. I walked over to the barrel on the side and nodded for Ethan to put the candle on the cake. As the cake exploded, I pulled the piece of wood on the wall. Ethan watched me, silently questioning my actions. Only for him to realize it when he saw the bomb on the floor. Throwing the bomb in the hole, we stepped back as it exploded.

"That was supposed to be for you, god damn it!" We heard Lucas shout.

"Well I would have probably died if you weren't here," Ethan said, looking towards me.

"It's no problem," I said back with a smile.


"Mia..." Ethan whispered as he walked toward her.

He cut her arms loose, causing her to fall forward. He gently set her up against the wall and turned toward Zoe.

"Zoe. Zoe, I-" he started.

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