Chris X Reader

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This was just supposed to be an easy rescue mission. It wasn't supposed to turn out like this. 

We had to run up the stairs because there were too many guns surrounding us. But the good news was that the person we needed to rescue was saved. Now it's Chris and me that need to be saved. 

Rushing through the door to the roof I started looking for a way out while Chris barricaded the door.

"Okay, Chris, what's the plan?" I asked looking over the side of the building, "how are we getting out of here?"

"...we aren't," Chris whispered.

"Oh, come on! I know you have some trick up your sleeve. Tell me! Show me what you've got!" I turned towards him throwing my hands in the air.

"I can't (Y/N)."

"Psh! You're kidding me. There's always a way out, you always have some genius plan you're cobbled together ann somehow they always work! I'll bet we'll be out of here in -"

"There is no plan, (Y/N)! I have nothing! No tricks, no miracles! I'm not a genius and we are never getting out of here! Don't you understand! They won! Did you see how many guys there were! We've lost. We're... We're not gonna make it," he said grabbing my shoulders.

"But... Chris..."

"I've failed you. I'm sorry."

'There's got to be a way out of here' I thought as I watched Chirs look back at the door.

"What about that mission two weeks ago?" I asked looking out to the horizon.

"What?" Chirs whispered turning towards me, "what about it?"

"I thought I was going to die. I thought I would never get the chance to have a family. I thought I never thought I'd have the chance to tell you how much I love you," I said whispering the last part.

"What did you say?" Chris walked up to my side.

Turning towards him putting my finger to his chest I said, "you are one of the dumbest, but smartest people I know. I've loved you ever since I laid eyes on you and you couldn't see that! Just like you can't see the obvious way of getting both of us out of here safe. Maybe a little bruised and scrapped, but safe non the less."

"What? I told you there is no way out of her-"

I cut him off by grabbing his cheeks pushing his head to the side.

"Are you going to Die Hard this?" Chris whispered.

"I think so. There is just enough of that fire hose to get you down to that cleaning platform."

"They'll all be up here by the time  I get down there. The hose can't hold both of us," Chris said with worry in his voice.

"Don't worry about me I have a plan. Now get that hose unraveled! Now!" I yelled at him before running to the other side of the building.

*Chris's P.O.V.*

Looking towards her I thought how much I actually missed. All those times I went on missions without her I missed her. How she made everyone feel safe and calm when she was around. How she wasn't afraid to speak her mind on missions. In the end, I missed how I love her too.

Shaking my head to get rid of my thoughts I rushed to get the hose. Tying it around my waist I looked back at (Y/N) one last time before I descended down the side of the building.

When I got down to the cleaning platform I looked back up to see if (Y/N) was there. But she wasn't.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled but didn't get anything back. All I heard was banging from the men trying to breakdown the door, "no... (Y/N)!"

Once again I didn't get a reply.

'They broke through the door,' I thought.

Before I could yell for (Y/N) once again the window beside me broke. Raising my gun I was ready to shoot. That's when I saw her head pop out.

"(Y/N)? How in the hell did you get off the roof?" I asked rushing to pull her in a hug.

"I can't tell you all my secrets," she smirked, "now come on. we have to get out of here!"

Running towards the stairs I grabbed her shoulder to stop her before she could descend down the stairs.

"What is it Chris?" she asks looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I never noticed before," I started, "I love you too."

"Chris you-" (Y/n) tried to talk but I cut her off.

"No, let me finish. I should have noticed earlier. But all those times I went on missions without I missed you. And all the missions I went on with you I felt the best I could ever feel. What I'm trying to say is I'm stupid for not noticing earlier. I would love to take you out on a date."

"Chris that is very sweet of you, but I would love it if we got out of here in one piece. Then you can confess your undying love for me, okay?"

"Oh right"

I smiled when I felt her hand in mine running down the stairs away from all the men trying to kill us.

It may have not been the most romantic place to say I love her, but it will never be forgotten.



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