Chris Redfield (part 5)

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Royal Au part 5 ENDING


"(Y/N) you know the plan, right?" Lucas asked looking at me.

"Yes, can we just get this over with. I don't want him to run this kingdom anymore," I said glaring up at the castle.

"Yes, let's go. Everyone is awaiting the arrival of your mother. I would go now while you still have time," Chris said crossing his arms 

I nodded and signaled Lucas to his position.

"Are you going to say anything before I go?" I questioned looking to Chris.

"Um... I didn't have anything planned," he whispered.

"Fine, I'll say it. I love you," I said pulling him into a kiss, "and that's for luck."

I walked away toward the castle leaving Chris behind.


"If anyone would like to speak. Speak now!" I heard my father yell.

"By the power of the people, I challenge you to a duel!" I screamed.

Everyone around me gasped and moved away so my father could see me. 

"And who are you to challenge me!" he laughed standing from his throne.

"Your daughter," I said pulling down my hood to reveal my face.

I saw my mothers face brighten and my fathers face fall.

"Very well. To the battlefield," he smirked.


I was standing in the middle of the battlefield waiting for my father.

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone shout.

Turning to look I saw Chris with Lucas and Zoe. They were all chanting my name trying to get everyone else to follow.

When my father came out and showed himself to everyone, he looked ridiculous. He had a bunch of armor on and looked like he could even use his sword.

"Are you ready to perish?" He yelled.

"Are you ready to pay for your wrongdoings?" I yelled back taking a defensive stance.

He grinned at me and sprinted towards me. Moving out of the way he stumbled past me allowing to slash the bands keeping his armor on. When it fell off his body, everyone gasped.

"Why you little-" my father started before I hit his sword out of his hands.

He watched as it few in the air and fell about ten feet away.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

"To show all the people of this kingdom how bad their king is. To show them that they cannot trust you. You allowed your very own daughter almost get killed," as I said that everyone gasped, "to show them that the only person that can help them is me."

I charged my sword towards my father's neck, and he flinched.

"You are no king. You're not even a man," I whispered to him.

Pulling my sword away from his neck I signaled guards to us.

"Take him to the most guarded cell. He does not deserve to see the outside world," I told them.

As he was escorted away, everyone started to scream. I looked up to everyone and smiled. I looked to see my mother running toward me. Meeting her half way I was pulled into a hug.

"I thought you were gone," she whispered in my ear.

"He couldn't get rid of me that easily. And you'll have to thank Chris. He helped me the most," I whispered back to her.

"The most-" she started but stopped to look behind me.

Turning around I saw Chris, Lucas, and Zoe. Running to them I pulled them all into a hug.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill him," Lucas said which caused Zoe to smack him in the chest.

I smiled at Chris as he pulled me to him.

"I didn't get to reply earlier," he whispered.

I tilted my head in confusion, and he kissed me.

Smiling in the kiss, I pulled away when my mother said, "I thought you didn't like him."

"Well, he changed my mind," I smiled at her.

She laughed and pulled me back into a hug. Looking to Zoe while in the hug I tried to get her to talk to my mother, but she wouldn't.

"Mother, since you will be running the kingdom now and I already found my husband-" I started to reason with her.

"Yes, Zoe can travel. But you all have to go with her. If she weren't with you, you would have lost your mind long ago," she said smiling at everyone.


It's been two weeks since I defeated my father. It's finally the day that Chris, Zoe, Lucas, and I get to travel. We were all at the docks everyone but me was on the boat.

"Yes, mother I will write to you," I said pulling away from her.

"(Y/N) if we don't leave, now I'll die from old age waiting for you!" Lucas shouted from the boat.

Glaring up at him I heard my mother say, "go. And don't let him boss you around."

She waved as I got on the boat and we sailed off.

I can't wait for the adventure that awaits.


And this is the end of Chris Redfield Royal AU!

I don't know what happened with this, but I hope you all like it!!

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