Chris Redfield

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Swimming in the ocean was the only thing that was on my mind for most of my life. But when I turned 18 that all changed. I ventured too far to the surface and saw my first human. It was weird at first when I saw them walking around on what I later learned was called legs. I started to like them a lot they had a fun time together. They all loved each other. It was fun to watch them, I know that sounds weird, but I learned new stuff every day.

It's been about five years since my first human sighting. Now when I wake up, I make my way to the surface to see what's new.

But today felt off. I don't know what it was, but it didn't feel right. Going up to the surface I didn't see the normal people I see on the beach. All I saw was weird metal boxes and a bunch of men in all black. What I didn't notice was a net go over me before it was too late. I started thrashing around trying to get out. They stabbed something into my neck that caused me to blackout. 


When I woke up, I wasn't anywhere near the sea, but trapped in a glass tank. Looking around outside the tank I saw different men in white coats writing stuff down or walking around. Someone behind me knocked all the glass causing me to cover my ears and turn around. Looking at the man all I saw was death and destruction in his eyes. I already didn't like him. 

"Welcome to your new home. What is your name?" he asked, but it was a little muffled. 

I didn't say anything to him only glared and started to bang on the glass. After banging on the glass a couple of times something shocked me. I thrashed around in pain starting to cry as it continued. 

"Let me ask you again. What is your name?" he asked. 

I still didn't want to tell him anything, so once again I glared at him. As the shocking came back, I heard a different voice. 

"Stop it!! She comes from a world that doesn't respond to anything with force!"

"What are you saying Redfield," the first man said. 

"I'm saying instead of torturing her. Why don't we ask her nicely," 'Redfield' said. 

After that, the shocking stopped, and everyone was looking at me. 

"Fine. I'm sorry for my previous actions. But would you kindly time me your name?" he sighed. 

"...My name is (Y/N)," I said so they could barely hear me. 

The man smiled at me and walked away. Everyone but the one called Redfield left the room.


It's been three weeks since I've been kidnapped. My once beautiful (s/t) skin and (f/c) tail were now full of cuts and bruises. The only thing they know about me is my name. Redfield, who I found out was named Chris, was the only person that's nice to me. That's why I tell him almost everything, but lately, I haven't seen him. 

The only thing that was on right now was the lights at the bottom of my tank because it's about 3 am. I started to silently cry (yes. Mermaids can cry) thinking about my friends and family back home. I hope they didn't get kidnapped too! 

A knock on my tank caused me to jump and move away from it. I am seeing Chris standing there with what looking like a crowbar. 

"Chris, what are you doing here? Won't you get in trouble?" I asked putting my hand to the glass. 

"Yes, but it's worth it. I love you (Y/N)! And you deserve to be free," he stated, "move to the far side."

I did as told and covered my ears as he started to break the glass. As the glass finally broke the water started to pull me with it. Before I could fall on all the broken glass, Chris pulled me into his arms. 

"We have to get out of here quickly," he whispered in my ear. 


We got to the same part of the sea that I was taken from. I looked at Chris' face when he slowly put me in the water. 

"There you're free. You can go back to your friends and family," he whispered and took my face into his hands.

"What about you? They'll see that you took me on the spying things," I replied which earned a chuckle from him. 

"The security cameras. Don't worry about me; I can handle my punishment."

"I love you too much to let that happen."

"But we can't be together. I'm a man you're a mermaid. I've seen The Little Mermaid I'm not letting you sell your voice to a sea witch." 



"Why can't you become a merman?"

"Wait! You can do that?" he asked surprised all over his face. 

"Yes silly, you humans don't know anything about us mermaids do you?" I asked smiling up at him.

"I'd love you find out more about your kind."

I smiled up at him and pulled him into a kiss. As we melted into each other, I slowly pulled him into the water.

Before anyone could come and find us, I pulled him further and further into the water.


I know it's bad, but I still hope you all like it!!

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