Ethan Winters - Soulmate AU

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I always considered myself an artist. It might just be little doodles, but it counts to me. 

I'd be drawing any time of day. Most of the time I would draw on myself because I either didn't have paper or I was too lazy to ask someone else for some.

Right now I was sitting in my favorite coffee shop waiting for my friend to get off work. I don't know what I'm drawing, but it's happening.

One thing looks like a demon bunny; another is a stick figure with a huge handlebar mustache.

"Hey, (Y/N). Get ready I'm getting off in 5 minutes," (F/N) said coming up behind me. She looked down at my arm and smiled.

"I'm still surprised that you haven't met your soulmate yet. You draw on yourself so much," She said crossing her arms over her chest.

Before I could say anything, the doorbell chimed causing us to look over. I watched as (F/N) walked over to help the man out. To be honest, he was adorable. With his blonde hair and how he has his sleeves cuffed up to his elbows.

I looked down at his arms and saw the same things I drew on my arms. My eyes went wide as (F/N) pointed at me. The man's eyes followed her finger and made eye contact with me. I smiled weakly as he started walking over.

"Hi. My name's Ethan. And apparently, you're my soulmate," he said taking a seat in front of me.

"My name's (Y/N). And my sorry for drawing on myself a lot. I hope it didn't cause you problems," I whispered to him.

"No. No. It was really cool. I thought all of them were awesome."

"Really? They were all just dumb doodles. I have actual art at home if you want to see... I don't mean to pressure you. I'm just -" he cut me off before I could finish.

"I would love to see your artwork."

I smiled while I got up and grabbed my coat. He also got up and held out his hand. I was surprised at first before I grabbed it. Walking passed (F/N), I saw her smirk at me and mouthed, "don't forget the condom."

My checks went red after that and I looked back up at Ethan. He looked back at me and smiled.

I can't wait for what the future holds.


I hope you all like it!!

Sorry, it's so short.

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