Lucas Baker Catch-up

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I don't know if any of you wanted this, but here it is. And it's trash.


How you meet/ Asking you out...

Growing up with Ethan as my older brother he was always there for me. When my ex-boyfriend wouldn't leave me alone, he stepped up and scared him away. He was there for me when my friend got kidnapped and supported my search for them. He was there to hold me when the police found their body.

So now it's my turn to support him. Just two days ago he got an email from his missing girlfriend to come and get her. After a long fight about me not going I won, and now we are driving to the address in Louisiana. 


It took us a while, but we got there. 

"So what do you want me to do?" I asked Ethan while I got my stuff out of the trunk.

"Just stay with me until I give you further instructions,"  he said as he started to walk towards the house.


Mia is crazy! Ethan dragged me up to the attic. I watched as he tried to get out through the window, but Mia busted throw it with a chainsaw. Rushing away from her and back downstairs I heard a lot of gunshots. 

I turned towards the stairs to look up hoping to see Ethan. Before I could holler up to him a hand grabbed my hands, and another put something to my nose. I tried to fight as much as I could, but I couldn't make it that far before I blacked out. 


When I woke up, my hands were tied behind my back, and my legs were tied together. Taking a look around I saw I was in a tiny room with a bunch of TV's showing different parts of the property. I started to wiggle out of the ropes when the door to my right opened up.

"Oh good your awake," the man said.

"What do you want from me?" I asked still trying to get my hands out of the ropes.

"First, I want you to stop trying to escape because it's never going to happen. Second, you're hot, so I want you to be my girlfriend," he said.

"What?! No!" I yelled back at him.

"You'll come around at some point."

I watched as he walked away from me and out the door.

'I'm going to die here. I'll never get to see my family again and die alone. I hope Ethan can get out of here.' I thought.

Continuing to struggle against my restraints I got out and quickly undid the rope on my legs. Getting up I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear anyone. When the coast was clear, I left and tried to get out quickly. Getting out to what looked like docks I turned back around. Only to see the same man as before. As I screamed he laugh and said, "my name's Lucas, and we're going to be together forever."

Random Texts...

(Y/N)          Lucas

You're pretty


I wish there was something between us...

Me too

Really? Like what?

A wall...

First Date/Kiss...

Lucas had to leave the farm to get away from the cops, and he dragged me along with him.  And I hate to say this but the time I've spent with Lucas has been fun. In the beginning, when I still tried to escape, he was mean, but now he treats me like a princess. Cliché I know, but it's true.

He told me that he had something special planned for tonight. My mind quickly went to him cooking something, but I know he can't cook. The last time he tried to half the kitchen was on fire. So I think we'll end up getting take out.


Around 5:30 in the evening the fire alarm started going off. Walking down the stairs, I grabbed the fire extinguisher and put the fire out. I turned towards Lucas to see him holding his burned food.

"I already ordered some pizza," I told him while I put the fire extinguisher away.

'He looks so defeated and sad. I need to find a way to cheer him up,' I thought.

Before I could do anything, there was a knock on the door. Rushing to pay for the pizza I walked into the living room. Setting the pizza on the coffee table I sat turned towards Lucas who was on the couch.

"Do you want to watch some movies? This could be our first date?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. Smiling back at him I bent over and kissed him. I caught him off guard, but after a couple of seconds, he kissed back. 

When you wear his clothes...

Getting home from work was the best time of the day. Once I put my car keys on the counter with the rest of my stuff, I went up to mine and Lucas's room. I didn't find him in there, so I got an idea. Changing out of my work close I grabbed one of Lucas's sweatshirts and nothing else. Walking back downstairs towards the kitchen an hand grabbed my arm. I let out a small squeal and turned towards them.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" Lucas asked.

"Hehehe. Yes," I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I like it. It looks good on you," He smirked while putting his arms around my waist.

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