Ethan X Cheater!Mia X Reader

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Best friends stick together no matter what. So when I found out that he started dating someone, I was there with him the whole time. Now I'm not saying that I was going on dates with them, but I was there when he needed to talk to someone about her. Oh! And her is Mia. 

When I first met her, she seemed nice and treated Ethan right, so I was happy. I'd watch as they share a bunch of happy moments. They were perfect together. 

That's when I first noticed my feelings for Ethan. He was so happy with her, and I didn't want to ruin that. So I just bottled up my feelings and threw them away. 

It hurt me so much to see them get married. They both thought I was crying because I was happy, but in reality, I was crying cause it hurt so much. I just wanted my friend to be happy, so I didn't say anything. 

I was the first person Ethan told when Mia went missing. I went with him to save her. The crazy rescue mission ended with them happily together and me once again hiding in the shadows. 


It's only been about three months since Mia got back and everything seemed like it was back to normal. 

I decided that they both have had a hard time lately, so they needed something special. Picking up some snacks and a couple of movies I made my way to Ethan's place. 

Taking the grocery bags in one hand and the spare key they gave me in the other I went toward the door. Upon opening the door, I was terrified by what I saw. Mia was naked on the couch with some random guy. 

"(Y/N)!! What are you doing here?!" She screamed at me. 

"I came to give you and Ethan some stuff because you guys have been through some tough sh*t! Oh! I'm sorry I didn't think I'd walk into you banging some random dude and breaking my best friends heart!" I screamed back at her.

"You can't tell Ethan," she pleaded with me.

"Oh, I won't. But if you don't by the end of the week I will," I said and left. 


It's been a week and a half since the incident. I finally get to hang out with both of them instead of just Ethan. We were just hanging out at Ethan's place, not anything special. 

"So how's your guys' relationship going?" I asked looking from Ethan to Mia. 

"It's going well. She makes me the happiest man alive," Ethan replied and squeezed Mia. 

"No secrets? Nothing at all."

"(Y/N) what are you getting at?" 

"Oh, you don't know yet! I thought Mia would have told you," I sarcastically said. 

"(Y/N) don't!" Mia firmly stated while glaring at me. 

"NO! He needs to know! About a week and a half ago I walked in on Mia banging some random dude. And I know you don't know him, because I know all your friends and co-workers," I stated. 

He didn't say anything, but his facial expressions went from confused to anger fast. He got up from the couch quickly and turned towards Mia and me. 

"Ethan, she's telling lies. I would never do that to you," Mia whispered to him. 

"Ethan, I've been your best friend for 28 years, and I've never lied to you. Why would I lie now?" I looked at him with pleading eyes. 

He shook his head and whispered, "(Y/N) get out. Please." 


Three weeks. I haven't talked to each other in three weeks. I miss him. I've been spending my days just watching Netflix and eating ice cream. That being said it's happening right now. Before my mind went back to the show, there was a knock at the door. Sighing I got up and answered the door. To my surprise, Ethan was standing there.

"What's up?" I asked and took another bite of ice cream. 

"Um... you were right. She was cheating on me. And I want to apologize for choosing her over you. During the past three weeks I- uh- I realized that after Mia went missing my feeling for her were gone. And -" He said.

"Then why stay with her if you have no more feeling?" I interrupted him. 

"Because I thought about all the happy memories we had together. And I was hoping we could go back to those times. Then I realized that the one I love I've had a lot more happy memories with than Mia. I just wanted to say that I love you! You probably hate me, but I love you (Y/N)," he continued. 

I smiled at him and pulled him into a kiss. Pulling back I looked him in the eyes and smiled. 

"I've always loved you," I whispered to him.

He smiled at that and pulled me into another kiss. 

"You know this is a romantic moment. Normal people would have dropped the ice cream," he said taking the ice cream out of my hand. 

"Well, I'm not normal," I grabbed the ice cream back and went back inside. 

I can't wait for all the happy memories in our future!!


I hope you all like it!!

And @-AlcatrazM0onLight-I hope this is what you pictured!!

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