End Of Zoe! Chris Redfield

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Takes place at the end of the End of Zoe DLC! You take the place of Zoe. 


I felt someone trying to pull me up while they were yelling my name. As I slowly sat up, I opened my eyes and saw Uncle Joe. 

"Joe! What happened are...are you OK?" I asked out of breath.

"I'm fine, don't you worry about me. It's all over now," Joe said back.

Before I could say anything else, men came bursting through the door yelling, "go. Go. Go. Go! Don't move! Get your hands up! Get down!" As they continued to scream, I curled myself into a ball. I was so scared I had no idea what was going on. I started to cry and put my head between my knees. 

"You must me (Y/N) Baker," I head a manly voice say. 

I slowly lifted my head and saw a very handsome guy standing in front of my uncle and me. 

"Who the hell's asking?" Joe said. 

"Chris Redfield. We've been looking all over for you," he answered, "we're here to help."

I slowly started to feel calm until one of the other men made a sudden movement. 

"It's okay you don't need to be afraid," Chris whispered to me. 

It was oddly comforting. I watched as he slowly grabbed a blanket from a chair nearby and wrapped it around my shoulders. I look up at him as he stood up and offered me a hand. Grabbing his hand, he gently pulled me up, so I stood on my shaky feet. We stood there for a moment just staring into each other's eyes. He gave me a small smile and led me outside.


I sat up on a small table as someone took some notes on my recovery. After they were done my uncle, Joe walked over to my side. 

"I was trapped with those monsters for three years -- all of them trying to kill me," I whispered, "I can't believe it's finally over."

"Ya gotta know, deep down somewhere, they were still your family, and they loved you," Joe reassured me." Especially your daddy... even in his final days."

Letting some stray tears fall from my eyes I looked up when Chris walked over.

"Someone wants to speak to you," he said gesturing to the phone in his hand.

I gave him a small smile and grabbed it out of his hand. When I held it up to my ear, I was surprised at who it was. 

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you there?" I heard Ethan's voice.

"It's you!" I said excitedly, "I don't believe it. You actually made it."

"We both did."

"You didn't forget about me."

"I told you I'd send help. And I always keep my promises. Also, your sister would probably literally kill me if I left you to die."

"Thank you, Ethan... And tell Zoe I love her..."

After I hung up the phone, I smiled and handed the phone back to Chris.

"Thank you," I whispered to him.

"It's my pleasure," he whispered back.


I've been here for about four days now, and every day Chris took his free time to check up on me. I was surprised when he told me he wanted to check up on me and it was his job too.

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