Cheater! Clancy X Reader

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Warning!!!!: Swear words and implied nudity/smut


I don't know what happened between us, but it wasn't like it used to be. We used to do date night every week. My favorites were the movie nights.

"(Y/N) what movie do you want to watch?" Clancy yelled from the couch.

"Are you asking to be nice or asking because we're going to watch what I want to watch?" I yelled back as I continued to get snacks.

"No. We've watched my movie for the past two movie nights, so it's your turn," he said as I walked through the living room.

"You already know what  I want to watch.  You don't have to ask," I smirked at him.

He sighed and said, "fine; I guess we can watch bohemian rhapsody again."

"Hey, don't complain. I've watched you're movies a ton! So just let me enjoy this."

Near the end of the movie with the live aid concert, I looked toward Clancy, only to find him singing along.

"And you were complaining about this movie," I whispered as I cuddled into his side.

"Shut up," he whispered back.

I missed those times, but he won't acknowledge that is happening. He thinks everything is normal, but it's not. All I can think about now is our first major fight. 

He's usually home by 6 o'clock, so why am I still up a 2 am waiting for him. I already had my mind go through every bad thought there was, so when the front door opened at 2:30, I was beyond mad.

"Oh (Y/N) I didn't know you'd be up," Clancy spoke nonchalantly walking into our bedroom.

"That's it? No. Oh sorry for keeping you up with worry," I said back with anger.

"It's not my fault you couldn't fall asleep."

"You know what I'm not going to argue with you," I said, grabbing his pillow, "you can sleep on the couch tonight."

He didn't argue with me just took his pillow and left.


For the next hour, I lied in bed, thinking the worst. I don't want to lose him. And with the way he's acting, I think he's already gone.

'I can't go to bed mad at him,' I thought to myself.

Getting out of bed, I opened the door only to hear voices. Not just Clancy, but another one. Another woman.

'No he wouldn't cheat on me as I'm in the house, right? He wouldn't cheat on me in general right?' a million thoughts ran through my mind, but those were the ones that stood out.

Silently making my way towards the living room. I peaked around the corner, and what I found crushed my heart. Clancy was on the couch with another woman. The way I'm saying is not only sitting on the couch together, but full-on making out, no clothes on. 

I debated whether or not to confront him as tears streamed down my face. 

"Fuck it," I whispered and walked out into the living room.

"Really, Clancy! Did you think I wouldn't find out?" I yelled, causing them to jump apart.

"(Y/N)? I thought you were asleep," Clancy said back nervously.

"Really? So you were going to have sex with her while I was asleep in the other room?" I screamed.

"To be honest. Yeah."

"Get out."


"I said, get out!" I yelled, pointing towards the door, "I don't want you here anymore!"

He looked at me with wide eyes and got up helping the other woman with her clothes. As they were walking out of the house, I grabbed Clancy's arm.

Once he looked back at me, I asked, "Do you regret it?"



I know this might be a little sad, but I still hope you like it!!!!

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