You fall asleep on them...

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Chris was sitting on the couch when I go home. I don't know what he was doing, but the TV wasn't on. Shaking my head, I closed the door behind me and made my way to our bedroom.

As I finished getting into my PJ's, I heard the door open again. Turning I saw Chris standing in the doorway.

"How was your day?" He asked walking over to me.

"It was long," I replied and put my head on his chest.

"Do you just want to watch some Netflix?"

I nodded walking back to the living room and grabbed the remote. I selected a random movie and snuggled into Chris's side.

It was only ten minutes into the movie when I fell asleep.

*Chris's P.O.V*

I laughed at the movie but stopped when I'd didn't hear (Y/N) laugh with me. Seeing her asleep makes me happy. All the stress from the day is gone, and all she has to worry about is having a good dream. 

Sighing happily I turned off the TV and picked her up to take her upstairs.


I just got home from work and didn't see Ethan anywhere. Work was very productive today which makes me very happy.

Setting my bag down by the couch I made my way towards mine and Ethan's room. Deciding to get comfier I changed into some of Ethan's sweatpants and one of his hoodies.

Making my way back down to the couch I grabbed the remote and put on a movie. Even with today's workday being productive I still have a little bit left to do before I'm done. Grabbing my laptop, I quickly got to work so I could have some free time before I go to bed.

A little more than halfway through my work, I heard the front door open.

"Ethan is that you?" I called out.

"Yeah sorry I'm home late. I had to stay later to finish a project," I heard him answer as he continued to the couch.

"It's okay. I still have a little more work to do anyway."

He nodded as he sat down next to me and watched the TV. Once I finished my work I closed my laptop and put it back in my bag. Leaning onto Ethan's shoulder, I felt him pull me closer to his side. Once I was settled down into his side, I closed my eye finally realizing how tired I actually was.

*Ethan's P.O.V.*

I felt (Y/N) put more pressure on my shoulder which caused me to look down at her. I smiled to myself as I saw her asleep. Only she would not notice that she was tired.

Gently moving her off my shoulder, I picked her up and took her up to our room. 


I had an hour to eat my lunch before I had to get back to work. Quickly eating my lunch, I made my way over to the couch in the office seeing Clancy already sitting there. I sighed as I sat down and put my head in his lap. 

"Are you tired?" he asked as he started playing with my hair.

"How'd you guess?" I replied with a yawn.

I could just feel him staring at me as I slowly fell asleep to him playing with my hair.

*Clancy's P.O.V.*

This has been a very stressful week for her. She really needed this sleep. I looked up to see Peter walking towards us. As he opened his mouth to talk, I whispered, "you better not wake her up! She's been working hard and deserves this sleep."

He looked stunned as he turned around and walked back to his desk.


Lucas was sitting on the floor in front of me working on who knows what. I was starting to get tired, but I needed Lucas to fall asleep. Some may say I'm clingy; I call it showing him love. 

"Lucas, are you almost done?" I asked.

I didn't get an answer but an annoyed grunt. Rolling my eyes, I turned to face the other way and tried to fall asleep. After about 5 minutes I sighed in anger and got up with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

Sitting down behind Lucas I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his chest. As I was falling asleep against his back, I heard him mumble something, but couldn't make it out.

*Lucas's P.O.V*

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" I asked but didn't get an answer.

Sighing I knew she fell asleep against me. Shaking my head, I looked back at the things in my hands. It could wait for tomorrow. Unwrapping (Y/N) from my body I picked her back up and laid in bed with her.


Of course Andre and I had to come to work together, and of course, he had to stay later. I just wanted to go home and cuddle with my man. Laying on the couch in the office I tried to fall asleep, but couldn't. Shaking my head, I looked toward Andre and saw him the same position as twenty minutes ago. Standing up I walked over to him and looked at his computer screen over his shoulder.

"Are you almost done?" I whispered.

"I'm about halfway done. Sorry, it's taking so long," he answered while looking at my face.

I sighed and pulled his chair out from his desk.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" he asked.

Instead of answering I straddled his lap and put my head on his shoulder. He chuckled a little and pulled the chair back up to the desk to get back to work.

*Andre's P.O.V.*

It took me another 45 minutes to finish what I was doing. Before I could ask (Y/N) to get up, I heard a small snore in my ear. Smirking to myself I picked her up and grabbed our bags to head out to our car. I'm lucky I have someone like her, and she doesn't complain that I have to stay at the office late.


Some of them are shorter than others, but I still hope you all like it!

And I'm sorry my posting schedule is so off. I'm in my senior year of high school, and it's starting to get very hectic.

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