Hoffman X Reader

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I let out a small groan as the blinds were viciously ripped open, allowing the sun to get through.

"(Y/N) it's time to get up," my lovely husband Mark Hoffman tried to get me up.

"I don't wanna," I replied and turned away from the sun.

"I see the game you're playing.... and I'm going to win," he whispered and yanked the blanket off of me.

I let out a gasp and glared at him.

"I will see you downstairs for breakfast. I have to go wake up, Melissa," he said, kissing my forehead and walks out the door.

Letting out a small sigh, I lied my head back down on the pillow so I could stare up at the ceiling. 

"But I don't want to get up..." I whispered to myself before rolling out of bed.


"Good morning, lovely. I see you got out of bed... I'm proud of you," Mark said sarcastically as I walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, haha," I replied, looking over at our daughter Melissa, "did you want to get up this early?"

"No, but Daddy said I'd miss school if I didn't get up," she said, looking over at me.

"And what did you tell him?"

"That I didn't want to go to school."

"AND I told her that school is important, and she can't miss it unless she's sick," Mark insisted while putting our breakfast on plates, "and if you didn't get up (Y/N), you would have lost your job."

"Oh, trust me, they need me more, then I need them," I shot back.


After breakfast was when the real chaos began, between both Mark and I getting ready for work, we have Melissa. She's either trying to go back to bed, running around playing with her toys, or attached to me asking a million questions. Which to be honest, the mornings she wants to ask a million questions are the easiest. I don't have to worry about her going back to sleep and being grumpy at school or her hurting herself when playing around the house.

So here we are, me in the shower while Melissa sits on the toilet asking questions.

"Why do I have two eyes if I only see one thing?" Melissa spoke up.

It always surprises me how hard I have to think about the answer when she probably didn't even wait 5 seconds before spitting out the question.

"Because our brains work hard to make it easier for us," I replied, hoping its a good enough explanation.

I got my answer when I heard a small 'thank you brain' come from her.

"Why are we here?" she continued.

"Because I'm taking a shower and you insist on asking me a million questions," I emphasized turning off the water and climbing out.

"No. No. Why are we here ON EARTH?"

"Because it's the only planet we can live on right now. Don't worry in the future we'll move to Mars." I replied while putting my work clothes on, "come on, we have to get you dressed."

On our short walk down the hall to her room, she was insanely quiet. She's either falling asleep or really thinking about the next question.

Just as I walked out of her closet with her clothes, she asked, "since I know English and think in English, that means that someone who speaks french thinks in french too, right?"

"I-I believe so. Maybe that's a question for your teacher today," I said, "now get changed. I'm gonna make sure your dad put an extra go gurt in your lunch box."

Melissa let outta a tiny gasp and started pushing me towards her door.

"I'll be down in less than five minutes. Can you make it a strawberry one?" she asks a little too excited.

"Of course."


"Do you have everything?" Mark asks me as Melissa and I walked down our short driveway.

"Yes. Thank you," I replied, "Let's get this little girl to school."

Mark smirked at me then grabbed Melissa's other hand.

Our little family was perfect. Where we lived was perfect. It was within walking distance of both Melissa's school, Marks office, and my work, which helped us out a lot on gas.

Melissa pulled me out of my thoughts when she spoke up, "I have another question."

"Okay, let's hear it," I gave back, shaking our hands a little.

"But this time, I want Daddy to answer."

"I think I can do that," Mark replied, swinging his had with hers.

"What does it feel like to love someone?"

I looked over at Mark as he paused for a moment.

"Well, I guess there are different kinds of love," Mark answered.

"Then how does it feel to love Mommy?"

"Well when I'm with her I feel safe I don't have to feel worried about anything. Because I know she'll always be there for me no matter what happens."

"Oh. Then how does it feel to love me?"

"That's different. It feels like your heart is running around on its own little legs. Which for both your mom and I is scary because we can't protect you from everything," Mark continued.

"But we can try," I added on.

We all walked up to the gate of Melissa's school and stopped.

"So does that answer your question?" Mark asks, nealing down to her height.

"Yes! I love you too!" Melissa cheered.

Mark chuckled before pulling her into a hug. A smile form on my lips, watching my family.

"Now you better get to class," Mark spoke softly, pulling away from the hug.

"Do you remember that question fro your teacher?" I asked, putting a hand through her hair.

"Yes. Since I know English and think in English, that means someone who speaks french thinks in french too," Melissa said with a smile.

"Good. Now get going, you don't want to be late," I said, smiling down at her.

She smiled back up at me before turning around and running inside, "bye, Mommy.  Bye, Daddy!"

Once she was inside, Mark spoke up, "does she always ask you questions like that?"

"Oh yeah! You should hear some of the stuff she asks me. This morning she asked why we live on earth," I smirked.

"Woah. Well, I'm glad to know that our daughter gets that from you."

"Hey, I take pride in my vast knowledge of random things!"

"And that is one of the many reasons I fell in love with you," Mark said, grabbing my hand and kissing the top of it.

"Okay, lover boy. Walk me to work, please," I said, rolling, my eye at him.

"Can do madam," he joked.


I'M ALIVE!  And my life is getting progressively better!

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