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As I entered the lift from the lower ground floor parking, I took a look at myself in the many mirrors situated in the lift. My hair was laid like it's never been laid before. My once bushy hair, now straightened in order for me to perfect my side parted, donut style bun. Not one hair out of place and I loved it. As it was hot I removed my black, blazer style jacket; which allowed my grey bodycon pencil dress to show off my slim, toned, yet curvaceous physique. I smiled a "damn girl you sure is fine" smile to myself as I applied my ruby red lipstick to finish the sexy but professional look I had going on. The lift chimed reminding me that I was indeed in a lift.

"April? April Jackson? Well you're ticking all the right boxes for me. Bright and early." Megan Brookes said.

Megan was my manager. She also was the one that interviewed me and gave me the job.

"I drove and I wasn't sure of the traffic and gave myself ample time." I said as we headed to what looked like the canteen.

"I'd say...look, don't be so tight. We're a laid back bunch around here just as long as the work gets done."

"Noted." I said.

Megan for a manager was definitely quite laid back. Had me wondering if that was a good or bad thing. Just as we was speaking a group of people walked in.

"Sooooo... seeing as you're here early, I'll introduce you to these lot. It is very likely you will speak to everyone everyday. Even if you didn't want to... they will come to you."


"Yeah. Well part of your role is admin as well as coordinator. So you make everything happen. Between here and the four other sectors; you pretty much finalise everything before sending it to me. Your phone will ring nonstop and your emails will never be below one hundred. Butttt... your cv was indeed impressive. I know you've got this." She winked as she grabbed us both a coffee from the coffee dispenser.

"Sounds like I'm going to be very busy." I said with a smile.

"Indeed. This is why I said come early because as it hits nine thirty it's non stop until twelve at least. It may be very overwhelming to begin with but I'll give you a week, two tops; then you will have your own routine. Right let me introduce you to the gang... Hey guys, I know you're having breakfast but can I just have a moment? This is April, she's the newbie and she will be taking over from Siobhan as Head Manager Coordinator for all sectors of the company."

"Ooooo! Big shoes to fill." A female said.

Funnily enough she looked and sounded just like Velma from Scooby-Doo. She was even wearing orange!

"Don't pay her any mind. Siobhan was everyone's favourite. But Siobhan was not loyal to this company and I need loyalty. Anyway, that's Jenny. But the gang here call her Velma..."

Why am I not surprised!

"...Jenny deals with any and every delivery to us and our four other sectors."

I smiled. Jenny threw up the peace sign.

"Damn... you really fired Shiv?" A young black guy said as he sat down with his breakfast.

"Yes Duncan. Yes I did. I have absolutely no time for people not sticking to the company policy. So let that be a lesson to you all. Don't take my kindness and my laid back demeanour as some sort of weakness. I WILL dismiss you if need be."

Oh? So she does have a managerial attitude then!

"Moving on...this is Duncan. The baby of the group but the smartest of the group. He works alongside Reggie... wait... where's Reggie?"

"Late. As always." Duncan said.

Megan sighed.

"That. Man!"

"Yeah but you ain't gonna fire him though are you?" Duncan piped up.

"Oh Duncan, c'mon! Fire him? For being late? Really!!"

"Nah man. You fired Siobhan over some nonsense. I think it's because she was prettier than you and she caught everyone's eye. You envied her."

Megan laughed.

"Don't be silly!"

"Mmmhmmm. Whatever. Anyway...Hey April. If you need any help tech support wise, myself or Reggie will help. If it's hands on you need Reggie; he's the engineer and will most probably be the guy to assist you but if you need someone to tell you what goes where or over the phone assistance. That would be me." Duncan smiled.

I smiled back. Duncan was definitely a confident young man and you could tell he took pride in it. I liked that.

Megan continued.

"This is Lauren, Kate, Chris and Andrew. They are head of each sector. Lauren - North, Kate - East, Chris - South and Andrew - West. The sectors contact them if they need anything and one of these guys will be the ones that contact you and/or send you the weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly reports in regards to anything to do with their sectors."

All of them looked up and smiled then went back to eating.

"We then have the five Ashley's. Funnily enough none of their names are spelt the same but they are all pronounced the same. They are the PR, marketing team."

"Heyyy." They all sang.

I smiled as I waved.

"Then we have Leigh-Anne and Sara. Yes, they are sisters. Leigh-Anne is your assistant..."

"Wait. Mine?"


"I have an assistant?"

Megan laughs.

"Of course. She is your saving grace!"

Leigh-Anne smiled. I smiled back.

I have an assistant? Wow!

"And last but not least Sara is the receptionist and a fantastic one at that! So yeah. This is the gang. These are the guys you will see and speak to everyday and will come to you for help and vice versa. If there's anyone you want to get along with it's these guys."

"Hi everyone nice to meet you all. Bear with me I'll learn your names, there's just so many of you." I said politely.

"Don't sweat it. As long as you remember me." Duncan said flirtatiously making us all laugh.

"Right... now we got that out of the way. Let's get to business. Leigh-Anne we need you in the next ten minutes. We'll be in my office. Oh... and when Reggie arrives tell him to come to my office immediately." Megan said as she looked at her watch before leaving the canteen with me right behind her.

"Soooo... what do you think of everyone so far?" Megan asked me.

"Yeah... everyone seems nice and friendly. I think I'll gel with everyone fine."

"Yeah, we all really get on. Oh, no doubt like everyone else you will instantly melt when you see Reggie. But my number one rule is... no work relationships. Strictly business and strictly professional. Unfortunately Siobhan didn't want to follow the rules and that's why she's no longer with us."

"I see..."

"Yes. Anyway, enough of that... let's get started shall we?" Megan said with a huge smile.

I nodded.

Well... I guess I don't need to ask why Siobhan got fired. Sleeping with your colleagues? Who would do such a thing?


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