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It was Sunday already and I could not be happier! Sunday meant two things; one - back to work tomorrow, yay! As you can see I have no social life. Work is my social.
Two - my children would be back. Every time they leave I just feel lonely and sad. They are my world. I have three children, Mariah who is sixteen going on thirty six. Michael who is fourteen but thinks he's the man of the house yet he pays no bills and Monica who is ten, the baby of the house and boy does she milk it. Anything I tell her to do it's "but mum, I'm only ten, I'm the baby, ask one of your teenage children.". I can only laugh because that would have been the type of thing I would have told my mum.

I had just finished ironing everyone's clothes for the week ahead, when I decided to have a nice long bath followed by washing my hair. I hated washing my hair. I had really tight curls just like my mum and wash day was never a day I looked forward to. You would never know that I had curly hair as my hair was ALWAYS straightened. Think only my children and Dwight knew my hair was curly. Speaking of children I heard the keys in the door so that meant my babies were back!

"Mum?!" I heard Michael call out.

"In my room! I'll be right down, give me a sec." I said as I finished drying my skin and looking for something to wear.

I heard my door open.

"Monica... you can never give your mum privacy. Always bursting into my room like you're the police!" I said as I closed my wardrobe.

"Damn..." Dwight said.

Oh my God! What the hell?!

I grabbed my towel ever so quickly.

"What the fuck Dwight? What are you doing in my house let alone in my room?"

"I pay for this house... don't worry about what I'm doing here... you're looking good Megan." He said fixated on my body.

"Oh fuck off. What do you want? You never come in when you drop the kids off."

"I know I know... we need to talk."

"Well go downstairs and I'll be down in a minute. Let me get dressed."

"You're acting as if this isn't anything I've seen before. I'm good here." He said as he got comfortable on my bed.

He even kicked off his shoes.

This man!

"What do you want Dwight?"

"I wanted to talk, firstly I really thought I told you about the wedding. I'm so sorry, honestly. My bad... you wanna come?"

I stuck my middle finger up at him.

"Take that as a no... okay, next... I think we are at that stage now where we don't need the courts involved. Mariah is sixteen and she said she is going to stop coming over soon as she wants to go out with her friends on the weekends..."

Oh did she now?

"... we get on, we are civil. I won't let the kids down... we are in a routine."

"I don't know... because the minute the courts aren't involved you can pick, choose and refuse when you want to take them. That's not fair on them. Michael is fourteen and needs you in his life now more than ever."

"I'll never neglect my kids Megan..."

"So why do we need to change what's already working?"

"Well... I want to move."


"Yeah... Vanessa and I are going to get a bigger home... out of London."

I laughed.

"There ya go."


"That's the real reason you want to drop the courts. Her.."


"Yes! Just tell the truth for once Dwight. Don't take me for a fool."

Dwight sighed.

"Okay... Vanessa is pregnant."

I smirked.


"She wants to start a family outside of London and I actually want to as well."

"So what about your family in London?"

"The kids will each have their own room."

"Do I look like I was born yesterday? The minute you leave London there's going to be all sorts of excuses as to why you can't pick them up, you know damn well Mariah won't want to come up most weekends either. No."




"My kids need me. See yourself out." I said as flung on some shorts and a top.

Dwight really knows how to get on my nerves. Can't believe I once loved that man. After making sure my kids were okay and spending some time with them I went back to my room gobsmacked that Dwight was still there and even turned my tv on. I massaged my temples trying to keep my calm.

"Did I not make myself clear? Why the hell are you still here?"

"I hate when you're mad at me... you know this."

"Oh Dwight tell someone who cares. I've been mad at you for years. I mean you did cheat on me and leave me for the woman you're about to marry!"

"Would it help if I said the weddings been postponed?"

I laughed.

"You are something else. I couldn't care less if I'm honest. She's welcome to you." I said as I sat on the end of my bed and picked up my iPad to sort out some stuff for work.

"Meggz..." Dwight said as he came behind me and started massaging my shoulders.

I stood up.

"No! Stop! You don't get to do that! Don't touch me! Don't Meggz me! Get out!"

"Stop shouting! The kids will hear!"

"I. Don't. Care!" I said.



In one swift move Dwight had pinned me up to the wall.

"I miss you..." he whispered in my neck.

"Get. Off."

"Tell me you don't miss me, you don't miss this, you don't miss us."

"I don't... I hate you." I said.


"I'm not ly..."

He stopped me and kissed me. I melted instantly. I felt him remove my shorts and I wanted to stop him but he was pleasuring me so much I couldn't. Before you know it he's dropped his pants, my legs around his waist and he's inside me deeply and there's nothing I can do other than to allow my needs to be met.

Uh oh... Not again!


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now