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If you had told me I would have got stuck in a lift with April I would have told you that you're a damn liar. Wouldn't have mind if we wasn't in a lift. My worst fear. I tried not to show it but I was sweating a lot. I hoped the message I sent Duncan had gone through and he would acknowledge it. If not then it would mean we would be spending the night here. Something I didn't fancy doing. Even with being here with April.
Although I didn't show it I was glad she opened the ciroc bottle and offered it to me because I was downing it to keep me at ease.
I know, a grown man like me frightened of lifts.

"So.. what plans did you have for today?"

"I was going to see my mum."



"I dunno... it's your birthday. Thought you would have done something else... something better."

"What's better than spending it with my mum?"

"It's not your fault you know..."


"Why your mum is where she is... it's not your fault."

"I don't know what you think you know but you know nothing."

I smirked. I took another swig from the ciroc bottle.

"My sister was in a home just like that... so believe it or not... I do, I know exactly what you're feeling, thinking. Hence why I'm telling you... it's not your fault."

April was silent. She then also took a gulp from the bottle.

"You said was... so your sister got better?"

"Nope... she died."

"Oh my God... I'm so sorry."

"Hmm... yeah."

I didn't really know what to say. This was something I never spoke on. Not many people can relate. I just wanted April to know she wasn't alone.

"You don't speak about your sister do you?"


"So why do you want me to speak about my mum when you won't your sister?"

I smirked.

She had a point.

"Because I guess, it's deeper than my sister. I didn't just lose my sister. I lost my mum too."

"Your mum? What happened to her?"

I took the bottle and drank it like it was water. This was something I refused to talk on but for some reason I was willing to open up to April, with the help of the liquor of course.

"My mum... erm, my mum... she, she killed herself. The loss of my sister never sat well with my mum. She blamed herself. She couldn't live with the guilt. So, exactly a year after my sister died, she took her own life. Double whammy or what?"

April sat there with her mouth open and if this wasn't such a raw feeling for me I would have laughed.

"Yeah.. so this is why I said to you, it's not your fault. I want you to not just hear me but listen and take in what I'm saying. No matter the outcome be it good or bad, it's not your fault. No matter how she ended up there, it's not your fault. If you don't go when you're meant to she won't be mad. It's okay to live your life."

April smiled.

"I've never spoken about my mum, to anyone."

"Me neither. Feels weird saying it to you. I don't even know you like that. But I just felt like I needed to tell you that no matter what it's not your fault, I do get it and understand and if you want you can always come and talk to me about it."

"Thank you. Means a lot." April said.

We shared a moment, no words were exchanged. Our eyes met and all I could think was how beautiful she was.

"No problem. Let's change the subject. So, your dad is the reason you don't like black guys. What did he do that was so bad."

April laughed.

"So much for changing the subject. My father... he is the devil. He done so much wrong. He cheated and beat my mum black and blue. Then whenever she was ready to leave him he begged that he would change. Never did. Then to add insult to injury... he's the reason my mum is where she is. He got her on that stuff. Then when mum got really bad, HE left her. I was the one who tried to get my mum on the straight and narrow. Three rehabs later and here we are. It hasn't been easy. But I'd never give up on her. But him? I hate him. He was supposed to be my superhero, the guy I looked up to and wanted for my partner to be like. Instead he's the complete opposite. Every time I look at a black guy I see my father. It's really bad but he's damaged me, he's damaged my mum... woah..." she said as she stopped.


"I've never spoken about this. Yet here I am speaking about it to you, a guy I work with. That's not like me at all!"

"I think the alcohol got us a bit more forthcoming." I said making us laugh.

"Yeah... I guess."

The flashlight went on Aprils phone and that's when we noticed her battery was dead, I looked for mine but mine was dead too.

"Just as I started forgetting we was actually stuck in a lift." Reggie said.

"Can't believe this is how I'm spending my birthday and it's starting to get really cold." April said.

"Come... come get some body warmth. I promise, no funny stuff."

April and I cuddled and I stroked her arm, I instantly felt myself growing.

Really? Now is not the time!

"So, do you think anyone will come?" April asked.

"I know a cleaner comes late at night so they would report the lift. But as our phones are dead I don't even know the time."

"Oh gosh. I don't want to be stuck in here. What if I need to use the bathroom?!"

"Better squat over the ciroc bottle." I said then burst out laughing.

"Ergh! No way! Shut up!" She said as she hit my leg.

Problem was she missed my leg and accidentally touched my dick. My erect dick at that!

"I'm so sorry." She said.

"Should be me apologising. I just can't help it. I mean, I do have an attractive girl resting on me and I've been drinking. Anyone else now and we would definitely be butt nekkid right now."

"Well you know that's never going to happen."

I sat up.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Why not? Why would you expect it? I just told you my reason for not being interested in black men."

"I'm nothing like your father. In fact I'm the complete opposite. I'm pretty sure after our earlier conversation you've noticed that."

"Yes, But..."

"But nothing. It's a cop out."

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is... let me show you something." I said as I pulled her face towards mine and kissed her.

It was a passionate kiss. I'm not sure if it was the liquor but she never pushed me away. In fact, she put her arms around me. Next thing you know she's straddling me as our tongues wrestle. I can't believe this is happening. April has been so adamant she doesn't deal with black men. I decided to make sure not only would this be the best birthday present she would receive but I'd make her realise why they say... once you go Black you never go back!


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now