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Can you believe it's Sunday already?
The weekend has come and gone so quickly! Well I guess it would seeing as I spent the whole of Saturday nursing a hangover. I don't know how much I drank nor do I even remember the night!

This is why I DON'T DRINK!

Luckily I don't think I did or said anything out of my character so it's all good. After sleeping the whole of yesterday when I did finally wake up I was wide awake and in need of something to do. So I tidied my house. I then woke up late today so I cooked late. Nevertheless I still cooked, sorted out myself for the week, packed dinner for me and my mum then got in my car and drove to the nursing home. The whole journey there my car was making a funny noise. I needed to go and get that looked at; it's been doing that for some time now.  As I got onto my mums floor I smiled as I saw two security guards on either end of her floor.

"Hey mum." I said as I came in.

"Hey... hey April." She said with a smile.

"How have you been?"

"Oh absolutely great. Went...went to a party last...last night." My mother said with much sarcasm.

"Okay okay my bad... I cooked for you. Your favourite. Roast lamb, roast potatoes, spinach, Yorkshire puddings and I have some of my home made coleslaw!"

"Mmmm... making me hun...hungry." She said with a smile.

I shared out our food then we sat and ate in silence. I watched as my mum struggled and it really broke my heart that this would be my mum for the rest of her life.

So I guess you're wondering what's wrong with my mum? Why is she in a care home? Well... my mum is a recovering drug addict. She also suffered from a stroke three years ago and hasn't fully recovered. Doctors reckon her speech will never come back better than what it is now. She also suffers from a small memory loss. But each week when I visit her on Sundays we go through pictures and videos in hope that it will all eventually come back to her. I never wanted to put my mum into care but this way she can get the best care and attention she needs. It also means she can't just go out looking for drugs.
My mother's drug addiction is another story for another day.


"Yes mum."

"I... I dreamt, your...your father was here. It felt..so..s..s..so..so real."

Hmmm... now how do I play this?

"Well its a good thing it was only just a dream!"

"Amen." My mum said as she continued eating.

If I told her he was really here she may relapse and I don't want that. Besides, I took care of it. He won't be coming back.

"Mum do you remember when your birthday is?"

"Soon." She said.

"When is soon?"

"Erm... April third."

"That's right! This Thursday coming up. You looking forward to it?"

"No. Only...good...thing is, you will be...be...be there."

I smiled.

"Well I'll have to make sure I make it real special for you then don't I? I couldn't get the time off so I'll come straight after."


The rest of the evening we went through some more pictures and videos and my mum laughed when I told her of stories she couldn't remember.

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