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"Hold the lift!" I shouted out as I locked my car and jogged lightly to the elevator.

If I didn't catch it then I was better off taking the millions of stairs up to work. Luckily the couple held the lift for me. From I walked in the lady wouldn't keep her eye off of me. I smirked.

Nothing new there.

I made sure to stand behind them but the numerous mirrors all around the lift didn't stop her. She was brazen. They got out before me and she made a point to turn around, look at me, bite her lip and point. I looked down only to see my dick print was very evident in my grey jogging bottoms I had on. I couldn't help but laugh.

You always wanna show off huh?

As soon as the lift door opened Sara didn't even look up but somehow she knew it was me.

"Boss lady wants you in her office like yesterday." She said not taking her eyes off whatever she was doing.

"How... how do you do that?"

"It's my job to know. That... and the lil screen behind my desk here made me know you was coming up." She said with a smile.

I laughed. I made my way to Megan's office, not before stopping at Duncan's desk.

"Hey bro... what mood is Megan in?"

Duncan laughed.

"Why are you acting like she's going to tell you off? Furthermore why are you acting like you're bothered?"

I laughed. Duncan was the little brother I never had. He joined a year after I did as an apprentice and worked his way up. He's the best at tech support. I've tried to get him to become an engineer with me but he refuses. He's more than capable. But he likes being the man on the other end of the phone, than the one people may see.

"I just wanna know if I have to sweet her up or not." I chuckled.

"You ain't shit bro. She's in a good mood. Aye, did you know she hired someone else and fired Shiv?"

"What? I knew she fired Shiv. But never knew she got someone else!"

"Yeah... and if I'm honest. New girl is peng! You know I love my light skin women! She's even better than Shiv."

Even better than Shiv? Impossible!


"She's bad. She knows it too but she's trying to act professional. But I know the minute we get her out on a Friday night and a few drinks down her she's going to show that wild side to her that she's trying to contain."

I laughed. All Duncan ever wanted was to turn up. But I don't blame him. We ALL work hard. Fridays are a day we all look forward to.

"Ite, wish me luck bro." I said as we spudded.

I made my way to Megan's office.

*Knock Knock*


I opened the door and let myself in. Before I could say anything Megan put up one finger meaning one second.

"...So because you know how to do all of that I really think you'll pick this all up very quickly. Plus you will have Leigh-Anne helping you out. I think you're more than ready to start and I'll be in shortly. Let me just speak with Reggie. Oh yeah.. seeing as you missed the introduction... Reggie, this is April..."

April turned around to look at me.

Yo! Duncan wasn't lying.

April was beautiful. She was elegant, everything about her was neat. She KNEW she was beautiful but she wasn't cocky.

"Hi, nice to meet you." She said with a soft voice.

The types of voices that could put you to sleep. Not because you're bored but because it's so soothing.

"He..Hey." I stuttered.

Reginald Greene. Did you just stutter???

"Close your mouth Reggie, you'll catch flies." Leigh-Anne said as she chuckled whilst leaving with April right behind her.

I watched them leave. Aprils dress fitted her perfectly. It's as if it was sculpted for her body. Nothing skimpy or revealing. Smart, professional yet sexy. April didn't even turn back like most girls do.

Damn. She knows she's fine.

I bit my lip as they closed the door. The office rooms all had blinds in them and if open we could see into the next office. My eyes stayed fixated on April. There was something about her and I intended on getting to find out what! My fixation shortly came to a halt when I heard the continuous clearing of a throat. I looked over at Megan.

"Yo. What's up Meg?" I said wanting to turn back around but thought it was best not to.

"First of all..." She said as she got up and closed all the blinds in her office.


"... You're late Reginald."

"Reggie... and I'm not late. I don't eat breakfast like you guys so I can come in for nine thirty."

"No. You're contracted for nine am whether you eat breakfast or not!"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'm also contracted to finish at five thirty yet seven o'clock and I'm still here sometimes."

"Yes... and you know I'm appreciative of that. Don't I show you that I'm appreciative of you?" Megan said seductively as she walked over to me and sat in front of me.

I smirked.

"Yeah... yeah you do. So don't sweat me when I'm always on time to work. Matter of fact I started five minutes ago and you're holding me up."

"Reggie I miss you. Come on. Stop playing games."

"Why did you fire Shiv?"

"Ugh. She didn't follow company policy." Megan said as she rolled her eyes.

"Which is?"

"No fucking your colleagues."

"Yet... you do. Are you not doing what you tell everyone else not to do? Or you just mad because you found out that you wasn't the only one I was fucking?" I said with a smirk.

"You're full of shit do you know that?" Megan said.

I laughed as I got up.

"No... YOU'RE full of shit. Megan, we'll never be together. Ever. So firing people because you see me getting close to them, flirting with them or finding out I've fucked them is NOT going to make me change my mind. Stop abusing your power and your position... or... I may just stop giving you this dick." I said with a wink before leaving her office.

Megan and I mess about. What can I say I love sex. But I don't want to settle down. All these ladies in the world and I must settle down and give my all to just one girl? Never.  I've pretty much slept with every girl in the company. Because of the rule we act like we haven't. But Shiv messed up. She actually grew feelings and told Megan thinking Megan was her friend. Which backfired on her. As I sat in my office starting up my computer I thought about how much Megan has lost her touch. She ain't as pretty as she used to be and she's those ones who don't really give great sex but is willing to receive it. Knowing the reason she fired Shiv is also a put off.
Besides, my eyes are elsewhere. I looked to my left and saw April sitting in her office chair.

I think me and April need to become better acquainted!


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now