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As I stepped into the lift, events of last night ran through my mind. Let's just say, a whole bottle of alcohol straight isn't a good idea. Especially when you haven't had sex in ages! I don't know what came over me yesterday but I was so glad that someone came to fix the lift before anything more than kissing could have happened.

As I entered my office Megan was fast on my heels.

"Oh my goodness! I heard about what happened with you and Reggie!"

"You did?"

"Yes we all did!"


"Yeah! I don't know how you coped being in the lift for all those hours! If you need time off due to distress just let me know."

I smiled.

"Thanks Megan. I appreciate it. Just glad to be out!" I said trying not to look nervous.

"Yes! Look I have to be out of office today but I'll be back this evening for your birthday drinks! These lot never let me come along so it's going to be fun being able to be with you guys! See you later, call me if you need me!"

"Oh okay, bye!" I said trying to take in everything she said.

Just as I got settled down I heard my door open. I looked up and it was Reggie.

"Hi Reggie... everything okay?" I asked.

He smiled, closed my door, locked it. Then closed the blinds.

"Erm... what are you doing?"

"Don't worry... everyone was in the canteen. They might come out now but they won't know I'm in here."

"I see... look Reggie, about last night..."

It was just a kiss..." He said catching me off guard.

"Right. That was what I was going to say."

"But... it definitely will become something more."

I smirked.

"You don't give up do you?"

"Nope. Especially after last night. I know you want me April."

I scoffed.

"Reggie... we had been drinking and got caught up in the moment."

"True, very true. But do you know what else is true?" Reggie asked as he got up and walked to my office door.

"What's that?"

"Had no one come to our rescue, I'd have had you screaming my name! But there's always a next time. See you around April." Reggie said as he left my office.

I rolled my eyes. Reggie was something else and had I not have such high morals, he may have just had his wicked way with me. But no. I meant what I said. Last night was just a moment of madness!


Work was over and everyone had decided to go clubbing instead. I hadn't been clubbing in years and normally I'd have said no but these lot insisted, plus it's always a good time when I'm with these guys. It also meant I could see my mum. I decided to get dressed first then go and spend my evening with my mum before going to the club.

"Oh well look who is looking... looking sexy." My mum said as I entered her room.

I laughed.

"Who me? Oh please." I said as I stared in the mirror. I was wearing a grey halter neck jumpsuit that fitted as if it was sculpted for my shape only, with some white D&G heels and a matching white bag to go with it. The only thing that was different was my hair, I took it out of the bun and let it be free. Loose waves in my hair made my hair bounce like in the hair adverts you see on the television.

"Back on the mar...mar...market? Or maybe... You.. you finally got yourself.. a.. a man."

I looked at my mum as if she grew two heads.

"A what? No, I haven't!"

"You don't have to..lie. "

"Mum... I'm not lying. Why would you think I have a man?"

"Well.. you dressing.. dressing up nice. Plus I never saw you.. yesterday."

"Ohhhh!! Well I'm going out clubbing with work mates! As for yesterday, let me tell you..."

I proceeded to tell mum about the incident in the lift with Reggie. I didn't tell her about the kiss because my mum is the type to start looking in magazines for wedding dresses!

"Hmmm... well there's a guy. A guy.. in your life. But knowing you...you push..pushing him away."

"Oh mum. There's no guy okay!"

"What about..."

"No. No mum! Just stop. I know what you're going to say. Absolutely not! Drop it okay?!"

"I don't mean to make you mad. Oh, I can't get nothing right."

I went and sat next to my mum.

"I'm not mad. But you know men aren't my favourite topic. Let's see what we can watch on Netflix until you fall asleep."


"Is there a new season out?"

"Yes. I've been..wait..waiting for you."

"Oh snap! Okay, lets watch."

We got through two episodes; by the third mum was fast asleep. I looked at my watch. Perfect timing! I made sure she was tucked up nice in bed, tidied up her room a little then I left.

By the time I got to the club everyone was there and the party was in full swing!

"Shots shots shots shots shots!" Duncan was chanting.

"Oh I dunno about that!"

"Nonsense! It's your birthday! Come on, drink!" Megan said before handing me a tray of shots.

Oh what the hell!

I started taking the shots. By the tenth one I knew I'd regret this in the morning! But it was my birthday and you only turn 30 once! I decided to sit down and try to pace myself because 5 jäger bombs later I could feel the room spinning.

"You should have your hair down more often, it brings out the fun, stress free, care free side of you." Reggie said.

I laughed.

"You.. saying I'm up tight?!" I managed to say.

"No, just saying I like what I see." He said and then whispered in my ear. "If you knew the things I want to do to you right now." He said.

His breath on my ear sent chills down my spine.

"I... I told you! Black men are an absolute no for me! And you.. you is a black man." I giggled.

"Oh we'll see." He said before walking off.

More shots came my way and I took them. By the end of the night I was a complete mess. A drunken state. But one thing I did know was I had a great time!

The next morning I woke up with such a hangover. I staggered out of bed and into my bathroom. Then to my kitchen to get some water and painkillers. I laughed. It's been ages since I got so drunk. I vaguely remember last night so it must have been a good one.

As I entered back to my room I decided to have a look at my phone. There was a message from Reggie:

Didn't want to disturb you as you was fast asleep. Couldn't find my watch when I was getting ready. If you happen to find it can you bring it to work on Monday?

Oh and P.s. - Who knew you was such a freak? 😉😍

I started remembering bits of last night, one being that Reggie took me home.. I also remembered what happened when we got to mine.

Uh oh. This is why I don't drink!


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