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"Right. If you sign here here and here you'll officially be the home owner for this lovely semi detached home." The estate agent said to me.

Happily I signed away. A dream just came true. Became reality. I now own a three bedroom semi detached house!

From the day I started working I had been saving, plus the savings I already had, plus getting the promotion when Megan went on maternity leave; in addition Connor did the right thing and gave me everything I rightfully deserved in the divorce; hence why I was able to buy the house of my dreams. All in good time as well. I still had a couple months left of my pregnancy but I wanted everything ready and perfect before my daughter arrived. Yes. I was having a little girl. I cried when I found out. A mini me. I didn't know it before but this was everything I wanted.

What made this all so much more amazing was.. my mum was coming home. We would have two  live in carers to cater for her and I would try my best to also help where I can.

Everything was slowly coming together and I couldn't be happier. Well... I say that but it don't help that I have had to go through my pregnancy on my own, because Reggie has chosen to be stubborn and not want to communicate with me. It's fine though. I meant what I said. He would not hear a word from me. I know Duncan tells him though. Duncan acts like the little brother I never had. Always checking in on me and showing interest in my pregnancy. He could genuinely want to know, but I feel he asks on behalf of Reggie.

I had just under 3 months left of my pregnancy; Megan was back so I planned on also taking a month annual leave as well as starting my maternity. So I had 4 weeks left before I saw the back of this place. Was definitely a bitter sweet feeling. I felt like I had been through so much in these last two years. I've grown so much in these last two years. All in all I'm proud of the person that stands before me. I'm not perfect but I'm me. Take it or leave it.

"Hey girl! How was it?" Megan asked.

"Oh Megan it was perfect; everything I could have wanted! Signed the papers so I can move in anytime I said.

Unbeknownst to me Reggie was at the office door when I said that.

"Can you approve this please... Erm Megan."

I chuckled. Chances are Megan has no clue what it is he wants approving.

"What's this?" She asked as she put her glasses on.

"The invoice, for the items I'll need for this project I'm on."

"Reggie you know I don't deal with invoices anymore. That's ya woman." She said before she realised what she said. "I- sorry, I just meant..."

"Oh for the love of God. Reggie leave it on my desk I'll do it when I get back. This baby is pressing on my bladder; hopefully when I get back the awkwardness in the air would have gone. Excuse me." I said as I went to the toilet.

I inhaled and exhaled once alone in the bathroom. Went toilet, washed my hands and looked in the mirror.

Do not let Reggies funky behaviour ruin your mood. You are having a great day. Do you know what you just did? Bought yourself a house! Hired two carers for your mum for the rest of her life. You're about to decorate a whole 3 bed semi detached house before baby arrives. Let's not forget this week you're buying a new car! No one can knock your hustle and drive for getting what you want and deserve. Just four more weeks then you won't have to deal with Reggie and his childish ass no more!

I smiled. A little pep talk to yourself always helps! As I headed back to my office Reggie was sitting in there.

What now!

I picked up the tablet, went over the invoice briefly and approved.

"Done." I said bluntly.

Before Reggie could say anything Leigh Anne came in.

"Megan's approved your annual leave. So after four weeks I won't see you for what? A whole year??? Oh. Sorry. Didn't see you there Reg."

He held his hand up as if to say no problem.

"Maybe even longer depending how I feel. But we will keep in touch. We got each other's numbers."

"Oh yes! Can't get rid of me! I'll be working on your handover stuff for when you leave. In our last meeting I think you sent me everything but if anything else needs adding just send it over." She said before leaving my office.

An awkward silence filled the room again as Reggie stayed sitting on the sofa staring at me.

"Was there anything else Reggie?" I asked dryly.

He sniggered. Got up and closed my office door.

"How the HELL do YOU end up being the one angry? As if to say I did YOU wrong!" He said somewhat agitated.

"1) did I say I was angry? Do I look angry? 2) you did me wrong. You did me wrong the day you asked for a DNA test knowing damn well this lil girl is yours!"

"G..girl?" He asked.

And for a split second I saw the Reggie I knew and loved. Yes. Love.

"Yes... didn't Duncan tell you? I assumed that's why he always asks about my pregnancy."

"No. No he didn't. You'll be surprised but Duncan doesn't respect my choices where you are concerned so in the beginning he would tell me IF I asked. Then one day he just switched up and said if you want to know.. ask her. Be there."

I smiled and made a mental note to definitely reach out to Duncan.

"So if you really believe there's a chance this baby ain't yours why were you asking Duncan about my pregnancy."


"This silence stuff? I'm not into it. Either speak or leave."

"You hurt me." He said.

He meant it. He was honest. I felt it. He spoke like he did when he was talking about his mum and sister.

I sighed.

"Reggie, for the millionth and for the last time. I truly am sorry. By the time I joined this company I was a single, separated woman. In my head my marriage never happened. We don't talk on all of our exes. But we are expected to speak on it if it's a failed marriage even though we are separated. I woke up one day and Connor had left me. He left me because I wasn't interested in having kids at that time as I was still building up my career. Then for six years I had to build myself all back up. So once I actually started talking to you and liking you it honestly never crossed my mind. That's how irrelevant he was to me. No ring, no nothing. You've been to my house, there's not one picture of him. My house was what looked like a home for one. A single woman. That's what I had to do to build myself back up. So I really did block him out. It's still not good enough and yes I should have told you. You shared so much with me. I owed you that. But I never. Now we are here. Do you know how HARD it's been to see you and know not only are we not together but you basically hate me..."

"I don't hate you..."

"...really? Could have fooled me!"

"I just said! I was hurt. I still am. Only I'm hurt now because I'm failing everyone. I know my mum and sister are disappointed because I have not been there for you. I'm mad at myself for not being man enough to deal with our shit separately from you being pregnant. I've failed Duncs and he literally is the lil bro I never had. I see how everyone looks at me and hardly speaks to me now. But most of I've failed you. I told you I was never like your dad and I ain't. But it don't help with how my behaviour has been these last six or so months. I still don't get why you never told me and I'll always feel that way but I think I'm more understanding now..."

"So what are you saying Reggie? You here to co-parent with me? Or are you saying you want to give us another go? Because I have four weeks left before I start my new life, this new chapter, this new journey. So are you in or not?"

The End.


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