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I'm a bit over six months pregnant and I've spent these last couple of months being ever so busy!
After spending my first trimester wallowing in pity because the guy I wanted had no interest in me whatsoever and the father of the child was a right bastard I had to accept reality. This was the life I chose so this is what I get.
The reason I say Dwight was a right bastard was because he constantly called and texted me begging and pleading for me to have an abortion. Told me I was too old to have a healthy baby. Said only one of us would survive out of me and the baby. He said some real mean things about his son. Yes, son. I'm having a boy. Now I have two girls and two boys and I am well and truly done.
I decided a fresh start was needed for this journey. It was going to be all about me and my kids only. So, I left the home that Dwight loves to remind me he's paying for and bought my own. I earned so much and did nothing with it I bought my 6 bedroom home without battering an eyelid. Was such a good feeling!! I then bought myself a bigger car for myself and the kids.
Once I did all of that I made sure to inform Dwight that I moved and he had no right to know where I lived. I made him meet me at a mutual location then I would drive the kids home. I sat and explained everything to my kids so they had an understanding as to why I needed them to not share where we lived with their father. Besides, he had his house and I had never been there so why should he get to come to mine? Of course Dwight's curious about it as he really believes he owns me but he's slowly but surely learning that he does not!

My next step in my life was to make sure whilst on maternity leave that my business stays afloat and that I have a business to come back to! The guy shadowing me really does concern me as I'm thinking he's only there for the money as oppose to the needs of the business. But he was the only one who applied for my role on a reduced salary.
I was giving him at least six months to shadow me and I still felt like he wasn't ready. Luckily April noticed that too and said she'll keep an eye on him and doesn't mind lending a helping hand.
Now that the management side was sorted it was time for me to put on my big girl pants a right a few wrongs.
First stop, Duncan.

"Hey boss lady. You arranged for us to have a meeting?" He said as he stood at my office door.

"Yep. Come in and close the door please Duncan."

He did as he was told and sat down.

"Right so as you all know I'm pregnant so I'm making sure I cross my Ts and dot my Is before I go on maternity leave." I said as I handed him a contract.

"What's this?" Duncan asked.

"The pay rise I told you you deserved. With no strings attached." I said as I raised my hands because I could tell he was going to object.

He laughed.

"Duncan I want to apologise for ever putting you in a situation like that. Whether or not you know anything, whistleblowing is not in our company policy so I shouldn't have put that on you. The fact remains you do amazing and deserve a pay rise. So, if you're happy with the contract sign it and let's get the ball rolling before I go on maternity leave."

"Thank you Megan. I really appreciate it!" Duncan said as he signed and handed me his contract.

"No worries. Just giving you what you deserve. Now, onto the next one. Have you seen Mr Green anywhere?"

"Was in his office when I was coming to yours."

"Excellent." I said as I looked at the email that popped up on my computer. "Oh you have got to be kidding me!"

"Everything okay boss?" Duncan asked.

I smiled.

"Oh yeah it's fine. Just an email I'd rather have not received. Thanks Duncan." I said as he left.

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