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What Happened Next?

1 Year Later...


My life has truly been a hell of a roller coaster. But with my four kids, a nanny and Dwight; I now have some sort of routine.
Yes... Dwight. As they say, a dog will always return to its true owner.
Dwight chose the kids over his fiancé. He chose us. He said the fact she gave him such an ultimatum, especially after them having a still born was crazy. Made him see her in a different light. He gets why she may have felt like that was an option, but there's no way he would have cut off his kids.

So he's been here. Really been a God send. I can't fault him. I have my best friend back, a man around the house. It's nice!

I got a nanny too. She is on the older side so Dwight won't get any funny ideas.

That being said... we have an open relationship and have also been taking part in attending intimate parties with other couples and having extra fun. I know that he enjoys it and so do I if I'm honest. I know eventually his eyes will wonder. So that's why I decided to get a head start on him.

You see... one time the nanny's son picked her up. When I tell you I've never seen a man so handsome. Well.. we got talking and from talking to exchanging numbers, now he regularly blows my back out whilst his mum watches my kids and Dwights at work!

Ah ha! Life could not be better!



Would you believe it? I'm a father! To a cheeky one year old! Riannan Green. April allowed to keep the R tradition going and I was truly grateful. I was there when she gave birth and as soon as she arrived, in her breathless, tired state she goes "Riannan... do you like Riannan? Riannan Green. Keep it traditional?" I literally could not hold back the tears. Between seeing my newborn girl being brought into this world and then that on top? I truly am forever grateful.
We have been getting on well and I stayed around hers to help a lot especially in the beginning this was new for us. I take my hat off to you mums you women are amazing honestly! Parenting is not easy.

But it's been a good year all in all! Finally got my independent business off the ground. I poached Duncan of Megan so you know she wasn't best pleased but me and him get it done. "Green Brothers" was my business name. Duncan grew up in care so he never really had any family. Got his name legally changed over to mine. He said he was too old and grown for him to be adopted but that was good enough for him.
Business was a success from the jump as I did poach couple clients from Megan. Never in my life have I heard her curse the way she did. Then I said it was so I could provide for Riannan and was in memory of my late mum and sister. Which was both true! Which softened the blow, because you know women; once you speak on kids and relatives no longer with us, you just know you pulled on their heart strings.
Being my own boss is great as I can literally work from him so it allows me to help April more.

April April April... this woman literally is everything. If there's one thing for certain I have with April is not just a friendship but the best friendship ever. It's like it's gone back to normal but more with a baby in addition.

Todays Riannan first birthday and she pulled out all the stops. Was nice seeing the old work team as we hadn't seen each other in ages. I had been working on building some bridges back with my family so they also got to come around.

It really was a nice day. I was absolutely knackered by the end of it. Me and Riannan had slumped on April bed.

"Oh no no no! Miss Riannan has her own bed. And you Reggie don't sleep in here. Come on. Out!"

"Oh for one night can you stop being so stern. We are tired! We deserve a good nights sleep in your king size bed!"

"Ah ha! Riannan can stay. You can go... I mean. This was your decision. Coparenting works great. We do an amazing job, this last year has proven it. I have my best friend back and couldn't be happier. But anything more you said let's see how it goes. So until then... go sleep in the spare room."

I sighed. Got up. Went over to her pulled her towards me and kissed her...

"We've seen how it goes, you know Damn well! You just want me to say it don't you?"


Typical April...



Being a mother is THE best feeling ever. I mean let's be honest, it ain't easy! If I was doing this on my own I may have crumbled! But I've been blessed with an amazing support system! Even my mum gets involved which warms my heart each and every time. Her being back home really has improved her a lot. She has the freedom to do a lot more on her own or with the supervision of the carers me or Reggie.

Ah yes... Reggie. He stepped up. He didn't want to miss nothing more where his daughter was concerned and I couldn't have been happier. I decided to name her Riannan and keep the R tradition going. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back for Reggie. He was so humble and grateful. He's not left his daughters side since she has been born. Other than to go work he's been here everyday in the guest room. It's really been helpful though because he will do some nights and let me sleep. It's hard having him around and seeing him being this amazing father and supporting me and becoming my best friend again but knowing that's as far as it goes. But I have to respect his choice. He let his guard down and I wasn't honest. So I'll just have to work on that again slowly but surely. It would be different, if it wasn't what it was before; but my feelings for Reggie will never die, even more so now we have a beautiful baby girl.

Riannan Green. Wow. What an amazing little human. Today she turns one and I look at her walking or should I say waddling around trying to say more words than her saying ma-ma and dadadada. She's so smart, so beautiful, so caring and very very funny. I always wondered what my purpose was in life. The day Riannan entered this world I found it. Everything I've worked hard for, everything I've grafted for, everything that stands before me shows; this was all so I could give her the best. Show her that we can break generational cycles.

The party was finally over and I was ready for my bed. Only to find Reggie and Riannan there slumped. This is a regular occurrence may I add!
So I told Reggie you know the deal. It was him who said nothing more than co parenting and friendship so why he wants to sleep in here is beyond me.
Normally he would get up and leave but this time he came over to me and kissed me.
Everything that could tingle, TINGLED!!! I haven't been kissed in a very very long time. He does not know what he is starting here.

Composure girl! Composure!

"We've seen how it goes, you know Damn well! You just want me to say it don't you?" He said.

"Yes..." I said just able to get my words out.

"April... I want us back again. It's been a long time coming but I'm not afraid to say it. So what you saying? Ready for a black man... again?"

I laughed.

"You're so silly."

"Well don't leave me hanging! We giving it another go or what?"

Well.. you guys know the answer to that don't you?!

"Yes." I said as we kissed again.

Couldn't have asked for a better way to end this day!


Thank you for reading
Hope you enjoyed!

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