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"Can I ask you something?" Leigh-Anne asked me as we got to my office.

"Yeah sure."

"Don't take this personal... but, are you a lesbian?"

I choked on my coffee.

"No! Are you?" I asked a bit concerned.

There is absolutely no time for no female crushing on me!

"Noooo!!" She said giggling. "I just asked because you're the ONLY girl I know to get Reggie's attention like you did and not pay him any attention whatsoever."

"OH!!" I said then laughed. "Yeah... I can see why. But... Reggie is not my type..."

"Okay, no for real... are you sure you're not a lesbian?"

I laughed.

"I'm one thousand percent sure."

"Not a lesbian and you don't find Reggie attractive?"

"I mean, I never said that. He's good looking yes. But there's no attraction at all."

Leigh-Anne touched my forehead with the back of her hand making me laugh.

"I'm just checking you're well."

"Besides, wouldn't make a difference anyway, Megan said..."

"Don't listen to Megan. Everyone sleeps with everyone. I'm pretty sure Megan has too. You've just got to keep it between you and who you fuck. Unlike Shiv. Everyone knew she slept with Reggie. But then... who hasn't?"

"Wait... YOU?"

"I wanted to know if the rumours was true."


"If he's hung like a horse."

"I see..."

"And hunny... well, let's just say...I refuse to go back."

"Oh no, he disappointed?"

"Disappointed?! Absolutely NOT!! His dick was TOO big and I wanted my ovaries in tack!! Besides, I never really fancied him like that. Not like some of these lot do...did."

"I see. So this is like... one big orgy family?"

Leigh-Anne burst out laughing!

"No! We just all talk, well when Megan isn't about."

"I see, very interesting. Well you have nothing to worry about with me. I'd rather act like I'm none the wiser... so... don't worry about anything you tell me going back to Megan. Because it won't."

"Oh I know. Because I'm waiting for the day you tell me Reggie blew that back out!!"

I made up my face.

"Well hunny you will wait a very very very long time. As I said, Reggie isn't my type! I'll leave him for you guys."

"Okay what about Duncan?"

"That jail bait?" I said making us both laugh.

"I like you. We're definitely going to get along." Leigh-Anne said.

I agreed. As it was my first day Leigh-Anne sat in with me for the whole day. They never lied when they said I would be busy! But me being me I picked it all up within the first few hours. However I was really glad Leigh-Anne was with me the whole time. At lunch we all sat in the canteen and I could feel Reggies eyes on me.
Reggie was indeed a handsome man. He was about six foot two, his hair was cut low but you could see he had little curls in his hair. His shape up was very sharp. Could cut paper with it! He had these seductive looking eyes, low and mysterious. His nose was pierced and he had a cheeky smile. Any time he smiled it just looked like he was up to something. He had a nice chocolate skin colour which just seemed to glow. Wouldn't take much for you to realise why everyone wants him. Luckily I wasn't everyone. I meant what I said, Reggie is NOT my type.
I was glad lunch was over because I was starting to feel awkward every time I looked up and Reggie was just staring. I just wanted to get back to my office.

Ha. My. Office.

I don't know if I'm ever going to get used to that. Having my very own office and an assistant too. To whom has been a Godsend! Megan wasn't lying when she said she's my saving grace! The day finally came to an end and I. Was. Shattered!

"Hey newbie. So how did you find your first day?" Duncan asked me as I left my office to go to Megan's.

"Hectic. But I like it. I'll have this under control within a week. I actually got a lot done."

"Oh yeah... you'll fit right in. Sooo... on Fridays we all go out for drinks. I think it would be nice if you came along. We're like one big family."

Mmmhmmm. I bet you are.

"Erm, okay. Yeah sure." I smiled before I entered Megan's office.

"Hey April have a seat." She said in a formal manner.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Everything's fine. In fact it's great. You've fit right in fantastically. As if you're the piece to my unfinished jigsaw. Just wanted to say well done and I'll see you tomorrow?"

I smiled.

"You will indeed see me tomorrow. Thank you Megan." I said before getting up to leave.

"Oh and one more thing.. Reggie?"

"What about him?"

"He's a cutie init?"

Is this some sort of a trap?

"He's alright..."

"It's okay if you like him you know. Most girls do. Just remember the policy."

"Good thing I'm not most girls..."

"You don't like him?"

"Nope. He's not my type. Besides I've come here to do my work. Not have no office romance. See you tomorrow Megan." I said as I left.

I grabbed my things and headed for the lift. Just as the lift doors were about to close a hand stopped it. It was Reggie.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to startle you."

"You didn't." I said with a smile and looked in my phone.

"So how'd you find your first day?" Reggie asked.

"It was good. Glad I was able to get straight in. Busy, but I like it."

"Yeah. It's like that in here." He said as the lift doors opened.

I smiled as we exited.

"So.. you need a lift?"

I chuckled.

"Does that line usually work?"


"Well, firstly. If we are in the car park then surely I should have a car right? Secondly, you don't know me from Adam but you're willing to drop me home. So I'm wondering if this works on everyone you ask."

Reggie chuckled.

"First time I tried it to be honest."

"I'm sure... anyway I've got a ride. Thanks." I said as I used my keys and unlocked my car door.

"A woman with class." Reggie said.

I can only assume he meant my BMW 1 Series. Again I smiled as I threw my stuff in the boot.

"April wait. Let me start again. I like what I see and I want to get to know you. Any chance I could get your number so we can talk outside of work?"



"Yes... no."

"Can I ask why?"

"One, I quite like my job and don't want to be fired because of you and lastly but most importantly. You, Reggie... are not my type." I said as I smiled at him before jumping in my car and driving off.

Reggie really though he was God's answer to all my prayers. Well... he is not!


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now