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As I looked at the pregnancy stick I wanted to cry. How the fuck can I be pregnant?! I knew instantly it was for my ex husband. I didn't need this. I didn't need to be pregnant again for him. Look at the irony. Pregnant for my ex husband whilst he's getting ready to marry his new wife. This is what my life's become.

I don't believe in abortions but I'm in my forties! Let's not forget I'm single too! A baby is not meant to be on the cards! I've been avoiding him since the time I kicked him out naked. Now here we are three months later.

How could I be so stupid?!

I decided that at work today I'd rather be left alone. But there's always one that doesn't follow the rules and who would that be? The one and only Reginald.

"Reggie... I'm busy."

"You look it..." He said as I laid back on my sofa.

"Look, what do you want?"

"We need your signature for these new contracts."

"Ugh... okay okay. Let me sign." I said as I got up and took the contracts from him.

"Everything okay?" Reggie asked.

"Not really..."

"What's up?"

I looked at Reggie and smiled. He always has that nice side to him.

"I'm pregnant..."

"Oh. Wow. Congratulations. Wait! Why don't you seem happy?"

"Because I know the father wouldn't be happy."

"How come?"

"Well... we ain't together and he has his whole life ahead of him... don't you?"

Reggie looked at me and frowned.

"Wait. What?"

"I'm pregnant Reggie. The baby is yours."

Reggie laughed.

"No it ain't. Not one condom has torn when I fucked. Plus we ain't had sex in months! So I don't know what kind of games you're trying to play but I'm not involved. Thanks."


"No! How could you lie like that? Why would you do that? Oh we know why! Let me guess, the person who really is the father don't want to know."

I hung my head in shame.

"I... I'm sorry. I just... I'd rather you be the father..."

Reggie scoffed.

"You. Are. Unbelievable! If it's not to do with work Megan don't FUCKING speak to me." Reggie said before slamming the door.

My eyes watered but I refused to cry. I didn't want to cry because I knew the minute I let them tears fall, they would never stop. My phone rang and it was Dwight.

Ugh. What now?

"Yes Dwight..."

"I can't have the kids this weekend... Me and..."


"Wait... what?"

"I said okay. I don't care for the excuse. I don't care for you. I'll keep my children. Was that it? I'm at work."

"Erm... is everything okay Meg?"

I sighed.

"I'm pregnant... there. I said it. I'm pregnant because your stupid ass wouldn't leave me alone. Now, here I am about to do it all on my own. So... if you can't have the kids it's fine. I need to get used to being a single parent from scratch so why not start now." I said before hanging up so he didn't have a chance to say anything.

#14 :: An Office Romanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें