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As usual my Fridays at work were nothing but busy busy busy. I was kind of annoyed because I really wanted to speak to April.
I finally get back from all my visits and April is in a meeting. I decided to go to my office and get on with some work. As soon as I saw everyone leave I decided to go and speak to April but just as I went to leave guess who shows up at my office door?

"You got a minute?" She asks.


"Look, I want us to still be friends..."


"Yes. Friends."

"Megan you're my boss."

"Yeahh.. but are we not friends?"

"Answer me this Megan. If I never fucked you in order to get this job would we be "friends?" Now think carefully before answering that."

"Ye..yeahh." She said.

I laughed.

"Megan did you have something work related you wanted to talk to me about?"

"No, I..."

"Well if you'll excuse me, I've got something I need to do." I said as I got up and left my office knocking on April's door.

"Come." She said.

"Hey. You busy?"

"Not particularly; what's up?"

I came in and closed the door behind me.

"It's about yesterday."

"Oh? You want petrol money? Or did I leave anything else in your car?"

"No and no."

"So what else is there to talk about?"



"I know...okay?"

"Know what?"

I sighed.

Why was she trying to make this so difficult?

"I know what you're going through. So... if you ever want someone to talk to..."

April started laughing.

"You really aren't running out of chat up lines are you? How do you do it?!"

"April! I'm not trying to chat you up! I'm actually being serious. If you ever want to talk about it. I'm here."

April stopped laughing.

"Talk about what?"

"Your mum April. For Christ sake!"

"My mums in care and you think I want to talk about it? Why don't you just leave me alone. How about that? Go on. Get out!"

"You did just what I did. Push people away, you'll see that that's not the answer." I said as I walked out of her office and back to mine, only to find Megan sitting in my office... STILL!

I didn't even say anything to her because I didn't understand why she was still here.

"You know she doesn't want you right?"


"April... the way you're always trying it with her and she shuts you down. She's not interested. It's quite desperate how you keep trying with her. Also, don't forget that it's against company policy Reginald."

#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now