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"Wait... what? She said WHAT?!" I said to Duncan making sure I heard him right.

"Bro... you heard. She thought if she gave man a promotion I'd snitch. I mean.. I took the promotion but mans no snitch!"

Duncan had just informed me of the conversation him and Megan had.

This woman was doing wayyyy too much!

"You know what? I've had enough of this. I think it's time I go independent. Time I start up my own business."


"Yeah man. Unknowingly to her I get side jobs from big companies. I see how much I take home after one call out. Then I compare it to a days worth of call outs here. The only reason I ain't left is because I'm not yet established. But through the company... I will be. Then once I'm gone it won't matter who I'm fucking. You know she's onto me right now about April. Talking about me taking her home and apparently the way I look at April."

"You do look at her like one love sick puppy."

"Maaan I do not!"

"Okay bro." Duncan laughed.

Just then April walked into the canteen smiled at us both, got her food and left. Duncan proceeded to soft bark and whimper. I laughed.

"The way you look at her man. You ain't even hit it but moving like you in love."

"Love? Now you're just swearing at me."

We both laughed.

"Just a shame she don't date black guys. I think she'd be the one to make you settle down."

"Woah woah woah? Settle down? Steady on now! Anyway that not dating black guys... I don't believe it. Like when girls say they lesbian but they ain't. She don't want to mix business and pleasure which I get and respect. This why I need to get out of here."

"Wait? When has mixing business and pleasure ever stopped you before?"

"And tell me when it's yet to work in my favour?"


"Exactly. This time. Ima do things right."


"Yeah. April is different. I realised when I took her home. That's the kind of girl you need to befriend and have her fall for the friendship. Then... then she's putty in your hands."

Duncan laughed.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"Have you heard yourself? Reginald has never had problems getting women. Yet, he's met his match with Ms. April. So like I said... you in love."

"Man. If you don't stop swearing at me! Okay so I do like her. But I ain't in love."


"Okay this conversation is over." I said as I finished my food and left Duncan to make silly noises.

I knew Megan was out for the rest of the day so I took advantage of that and headed to April's office. She was on the phone when I entered. I locked the door and closed her blinds.

"...okay well I'll leave a message for Megan and she will get back to you. Okay, bye." She said before hanging up.

She then looked up from her desk.

"Can I help you Reggie?" She asks in a professional manner.

I smirk.

"Yes... I think we need to talk about last night." I said to her.

"Last night?"

"Cmon. I know you was drunk but I know you know what went down. Why you acting like you can't remember?"



All my life I swore I would never get with a black man yet here I was getting my back blown out by Reggie!
I blame the alcohol! This is why I don't drink!
I wish I could say it was a mistake but a mistake shouldn't feel THAT good. He hit every nook and cranny that needed hitting. I can't remember the last time a guy made me feel so good!

"Yeah, about it. Listen, I clearly had too much to drink. Besides.. As great as it was... it can't happen again. I love my job and I can't have Megan find out. Besides... my point still remains. Black men are a no."

Reggie rolled his eyes.

"How long are you going to keep telling yourself that for? That's not going to take away who your father is and what your father did. But what I do know is that's a lie. Drunk or not, you knew I was a black man but you embraced the kiss which led to great sex. So don't deny that I've changed your outlook on things. I know I'm one black guy you'd date."

"Oh really?"

"Mmm yes... really."

"Just because we had sex don't mean I'd date you."

"Oh like that? Works for me either way."

He said as he came towards me put his hands on my chair and leaned in and kissed me. I instantly melted. There was something about his kisses.

Good God!

Before I could push him away I felt his hands up my skirt finding his way to my clit. My lips parted as I gasped just at the touch of his hands caressing me.


"Mmm... you taste so sweet." He said as he got on his knees raised my skirt and went head first licking sucking and flicking my clit.


He stopped.

"Ssshhh. No noise. That's the rule." He said before he went back in devouring my pussy like his life depended on it.

Moans still managed to leave my mouth I couldn't be quiet! Next thing you know he's lifted me off the chair onto the sofa and given me the cushion. I bite on it as he pleasures me until my body starts shaking and I convulse into what feels like a thousand pieces. He doesn't stop there though! Oh no, he continues and this time it takes longer and the pleasurable pain of not knowing when I'm about to ride another orgasmic wave takes over me until eventually I'm biting on the pillow ready to tear it to shreds! All I want to do is scream but I can't because I'm at work! I start jittering and eventually the orgasmic wave takes over my until my body goes limp.

Reggie laughs then bites his lip.

"Oh the fun we are going to have! Keep up this you don't date black men saga. It makes the secrecy of you and me even more fun. I don't think you're ready for me April." Reggie said as he laughed before wiping his face and leaving my office.

I literally crawled to my door locked it back and sat there trying to get my breath back.

Damn! What has got into me? I turn 30 and all of a sudden I'm going against everything I stand for.

What's worse is I'm not ashamed, I have no regrets. Needless to say... I really could get used to this!


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now