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Well well well... what can I say? I've been dickmatised! I have to laugh. Never ever in my life. And here I am... with a black man at that!

I guess deep down, especially with getting to know Reggie, I knew he was nothing like my father. He actually was a really nice guy. Even that player aura he has when you really get to know him, really is not the case. He's really chilled.

What's more is at work other than when we are having our quickies we actually still go on like normal. No one has a clue we are having sex. Well... no one but Duncan.

One day when everyone left we had sex in my office but we was not quiet at all! Duncan had left his phone and came back for it. He caught us trying to get dressed but he just laughed and walked out. Reggie and him are like brothers so we know he won't say a word.

Then after work we take it in turns to spend time with each other at each other's house. It's as if we are an unofficial couple!

"So what do you think of the new guy that Megan is training up?" Reggie asked.

"Ha! He ain't going to last."

"Why do you say that?"

"He's shadowing Megan for him to do her job for a year as and when she takes maternity leave. Problem is Megan doesn't actually let him do much. Only when she's on her break or has to have long meetings if he in them with her and when you give him something to do. He's dumbfounded."


"Yep. Luckily. I can see how this is going to go. So I spoke with her and told her to keep me in the loop with everything going on and if he does quit then I'll fill in as well as doing my job."

"You did?"

"Yep. For a pay rise of course."

"Of courseeee." We both laughed.

"So you may as well say the jobs mine because he has more interest in the females than the job"

"What? Are we talking about the same dude?"

"Yeahhh. If you see my emails. Always coming with some sly lunch dates. I just politely decline."

"I'm really shocked by this because when me and Duncan spoke he portrays himself like one nerd boy."

"Yeah I've heard this. I guess it's a front. See! Someone like that you can't trust!"

"Oh come on. If people knew what you got up to with me then they would say the same thing."

"That. Is. Different!"


"When I started the job I was pure and innocent. It was you and your persistent ass that corrupted me!"

Reggie laughed.

"Yeah that's right. Blame the man!"

"It's true! Had you not been persistent we definitely wouldn't have been here now."

"Well I guess being persistent is a good thing. Wouldn't you agree?" Reggie asked as he kissed me.

"Mmm... I guess you are right." I said between our kisses.

My phone rang, but not my main phone. My emergency phone.

"Uh oh." I said before answering. "Hello?"

"Hey April. Sorry to call you so late, your... Ermmm. Your father is here. He's drunk. He got in and got to your mum but the guard caught him as he opened her door. He's now screaming and demanding he sees both you and his "wife" I want to call the police but I know you said to call you first."

The anger that bubbles inside of me was like when a kettle reaches boiling point.

"I'm on my way."

"Should I call the police."

"Is he causing problems?"

"No he wants you to come so he's sitting watching me make this call."

"Then... No police. I'm on my way. Make sure you tell him." I said as I hung up.

"You okay?" Reggie asked.

"No. Erm.. I gotta go."


"Reggie, I can't.. not now... I..."

"I'm coming." He interrupted.

"Huh? What? No. No you can't..."

"It's not up for discussion. Look, nows not even the time to have this talk and I can't believe these words are gonna come out of my mouth, but I actually like spending time with you and to the extent of what we both know on our families... I feel this is just more than just sex. I feel the need to want to protect you... so, wherever you're going at this time of the night. I'm coming."

"Okay..." I said as I smiled.

Normally I'd fight it, but truth be told, I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting it. I'm tired of always thinking I have to do this independent woman thing. If he wants to truly protect me then why not? I don't have to lose or forget who I am. The car journey was quiet. I just focused on making sure I got to the home as quick as I can. As I got out my car I went in the back and got my bat.


"You wanted to protect... you want to be a part of my life? My world? Well... in there is my biggest demon. And he... he just... he just ain't getting the message. But after tonight... ohhhhh he will." I said as I went in there.

"Where is he?" I asked as I stepped into the home with the bat behind my back.

"He's..." before Sheena could finish he came stumbling out of the lounge.

"There she issssss.... my star girl April!!!" He said either drunk, high or both.

I didn't say a word to him I just took the bat and started beating him with it. He was yelling out for help but no one came to his aid. All of a sudden I heard my name.

"April... APRIL... ST...STOP!!!"

I refused to turn around. I knew it was my mum. I didn't even realise I was crying the whole time I was beating him but the minute I lifted my head I felt the tears on my cheek.

"April look at me."

I didn't want to turn around. Turning around meant my eyes would pass Reggies too and I didn't want him to see me like this I didn't want his pity.

"April... can't.. can't you see. Can't you see he's...he's winning. Look at you... look at how... how... how angry he gets you. You're giving... giving him too much pow...power."

I looked at this sorry excuse of a man curled up on the floor whimpering. I turned to my mum and I went over to her and I hugged her.

"For as long as I live... I will BEAT his ass every time. EVERY TIME. He comes to disturb you. I will mum. If that means I give him power to beat him black and blue then I will! I wasn't old enough and strong enough to protect you when he got you on this shit but I'll protect you for as long as I live now!"

"So... so what's if... if he decides, to... to call the police? Then you're arrested. In jail. Who will protect me then? Oh April... you're... you're so smart. Don't... don't let him win!" My mum said as tears fell down her face.

My mum was right. This man just made me so angry!!! I turned to Sheena.

"Call the police. I want a restraining order. He ain't to come near me or my mum. When the police come he came towards me I feared for my safety so I beat him with the bat. Okay?" Sheena nodded. I looked at the guards they nodded. Reggie winked at me.

My mum was right. I had to stop letting him win. In all different aspects of my life this man was the reason I didn't do certain things, wouldn't mix with certain people, a lot was to do with him. It was time he paid for what he done. It was time to be smart and hit him where it truly hurt.


#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now