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For my first week here it's been nothing but manic and mayhem. It's like they knew a new employee had started so let's bombard her with everything! I didn't show the stress it was causing me but I sure as hell felt it! Today was Friday and I couldn't be happier. This weekend to myself was needed.
I could hear a phone ringing and I almost forgot it was mine as this number doesn't usually ring. It was only for emergencies. Which only meant one thing... my mother.


"Hi April. It's nurse Sheena here."

Sheena was my mums personal nurse.

"Hey Sheena, everything okay?"

"Well... no. Your mother has had another episode... we had to sedate her."

I sighed.

This is all I need.

"I'm at work but I'll be there for lunch time."

"Okay, we'll see you then."

I came off the phone and put my head in my hands.

Pull yourself together April! You don't show weakness!

"Everything alright Ms Jackson?" Duncan asked.

I smirked. Duncan had decided to call me Ms Jackson so he could sing "I'm sorry Ms Jackson ooo!! I am for real..." I'd hate to say it but it's growing on me.

"Yeah yeah... just been a long week." I said with a smile hoping that was enough for him to believe me.

"You've done well though. If you could get through what was thrown at you this week, then you definitely can get through what some may call a "normal" week."

I smiled.

"Thanks baby bro." I said knowing he didn't like that.

"There you go with that baby bro talk. I'm old enough to be your man."

I laughed.

"Correction, you're young enough to be my baby brother."

"Whatever Ms Jackson." He said before walking off to his cubicle.

Luckily the day wasn't busy; I was just dealing with email backlogs. Not that I got much done, my mind was on my mum. As always. I looked at my watch.

Almost eleven thirty. Hmm.

I got up and headed to Megan's office.

"Hey, do you have a minute?"

"Yeah. Everything okay?" Megan asked.

"Yeah... I need a favour..."

"What's that?"

"An extended lunch break."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Erm... I don't want to share my reason with you. It's personal."

"I see... so why should I grant you this favour?"


"I'm not going to beg you. I'm asking for a favour it's either yes or no. I'll not take a break on Monday if it's that much of a big deal."

"It's not that busy. Go on. But be back by half one April!"

"Will do! Thank you."

I went to my office, grabbed my stuff and headed to the residential care home my mother lived in. I really hated this place. Even though it was one of the best care homes and it didn't look like a home, every time you walked in everyone just looked depressed. Even the staff. The energy was enough to ruin your mood.

#14 :: An Office RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now