Chapter 2 - Why is he coming here?

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It's already late when I get back to my dorm, trying to forget about what happened at the library. 

I have about an hour to get ready until Mads comes pick me up to go to my first ever party as a college student.

I'm not really sure what to expect, so I decide to go with my usual jeans and a new blue blouse that Abby made me promise I'd wear for this moment. I make sure to take a few pictures to send her later.

I'm barely with any make-up on, but I still hope I'm not as overdressed as I feel. Mads enters the room just when I finish the final touches of my hair. 

Not that it took me one hour to get dressed. I spent half an hour lying on my bed like a potato sack, while checking my instagram. 

''You look amazing.'' She's as cheerful as before and that makes me feel good about how I look.

''Hey, how was shopping?''

''Oh, wonderful! I found the perfect dress and I also got you something.'' I look at her a bit confused as she extends me a small wrapped package.

''What? Why?'' I'm honestly surprised as I wasn't expecting such a gesture from her.

No one is that nice.

''It's a welcome gift for you.'' She's looking at me with a big smile on her face.

''Mads, you didn't have to.''

This girl is definitely the nicest person I have ever met. I'm seriously considering writing a thank you letter to whoever arranged the dorms and decided I'd be stuck with her for the next years.

I open the paper wrapped around my gift and smile. I don't know her at all, but with the few information I already have about the cheerful blonde girl in front of me, I can tell she picked it herself. 

Pink, with a huge white bow on top and too girly.

When I'm done unwrapping, in a not careful way at all, I see it's a beautiful and cute vintage photo frame.

''It's for you to start decorating your side. You can put a photo of your family or friends.''

I usually don't hug people I barely know, but I act by impulse, hugging her tight. I put the frame on my dresser after I let her go and I smile at it.

''I love it.''

Is it possible to become friends with someone so fast? Until yesterday my answer would be no, but today, it's more like a maybe.

''Now let's go, we have a party to go to! Are you ready?''

Oh yeah, I'm so ready.

As soon as we leave our building, I see who I think is Mark from the distance.

Being Mads' boyfriend, I was expecting him to be dressed in colorful tones like he just came out of a Glee episode, but his outfit is totally dark instead, opposite to the yellow flower printed dress that his girlfriend is wearing.

''Emma, this is Mark. Babe, meet Emma, my new roommate.'' She's really excited to introduce us and by excited, I mean almost jumping in the car like a puppy going for a ride.

''It's nice to meet you Emma. Mads has already talked a lot about you.'' He gives me a genuine smile that makes me immediately like him.

''It's nice to meet you too''.

I get why they're dating. He's very sweet with her the entire time. I should be feeling like a third wheel, but they kept talking to me all the way, so I just feel comfortable.

Before She Even Knowsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن