Chapter 8 - Just tell me, why?

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When I look at him again, his arms are even tighter around that Hannah girl and I can't help but feel slightly angry.

I'm a bit mad at him, although I'm not sure if it's because he thought I'm a virgin or because of the girl.

All I know is that this game was a very bad idea.

What difference does it make anyway? It's not like I care about what he thinks.

I swear this is not doing any good to my mental health. This frustrating boy will be the end of me.

The next rounds were even more embarrassing, until the tension between us got so evident that it's almost like no one else is playing anymore, just us calling the shots.

How we got to this point is a mystery.

It's too obvious that we're clearly out of our minds and wanting to get a reaction out of each other.

I have no idea where this is coming from, but I take it back what I said earlier.

This is not a fun night. At all.

When both of us stopped caring that people might realize what's happening - whatever that is - I started what would be the end of it.

''Never have I ever been nice to someone after being a jerk for weeks.'' My tone is accusing and I'm not taking my eyes off of Noah.

You don't have to be a genius to know that my question was directed to him.

''Never have I ever been so needy to have a friend that I can't get the hint to just back off.''

Mads eyes are wide and she looks at me, also knowing that his statement was for me.

''Never have I ever been a stupid player who sleeps with everyone.''

''Never have I ever been able to control myself and not flirt with every guy.''

''Are you serious? Never have I ever asked if someone has a boyfriend and pretended I didn't really care.''

''Because I don't care! Never have I ever kissed the person sitting next to me.''

No one's drinking, talking or even moving anymore, they're just looking at us as we're practically shouting at each other.

I'm breathing heavily and I don't think I've ever felt this angry before.

He then does something that makes me want to throw my beer bottle at his face.

Without a warning, he cups Hannah's face and kisses her. She barely has time to react, but recovers fast enough and kisses him back, probably having the time of her life.

Oh please, she's being trying the whole night to kiss him, throwing herself at him, trying to sit on his lap and putting her mouth dangerously close to his, so she's definitely enjoying it.

He brings his hand to her hair and deepens the kiss. The moment I see his tongue slipping into her mouth and a smile on his lips, is when I decide that I've had enough of this messed up night.

I don't have it in me to watch him kiss her like that - for whatever reason it might be - so I stand up and storm out of the living room to the front of the house.

Coming here was a huge mistake and if there's one thing this night thought me, is the certainty of how much I hate Noah Allen.

As soon as I leave the house and feel the cool breeze, all I want to do is scream.

My rational part takes the best of me though, so instead of freaking out and breaking something on the way, whatever I can find, I start walking in the direction of the campus.

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