Chapter 20 - Of course he has a date

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I do my best to avoid Noah the next few days. I don't want to talk to him or even look at his stupid face.

I would have to face him at the lake party anyway, so I thought I could avoid him until then and I'm glad I actually did it. I haven't even seen him after our conversation the day after the game, where he made very clear that our kiss meant nothing.

How nonsense it is to compliment myself for avoiding a boy? How old am I again? Oh yeah, it looks like I'm twelve.

Everyone is talking about the lake party, that happens every year and is apparently famous enough. I guess winning the game or not would make no difference, this party would still happen anyway.

Everyone is especially excited, considering nothing really happened around here the last weekend. No parties, no drinking and not to mention the tension with exams, so now that this week is over, everyone is with a lot of energy.

The whole thing starts in a couple of hours, so Mads and I started planning our outfits in the morning.

By that I mean that she planned, while I was lying down on my bed pretending to be thinking about what to wear when in fact I was just checking my Instagram.

A few hours to choose a party outfit? Sorry Mads, not gonna happen.

We decide to go with our bikinis underneath our summer dresses and take extra clothes to change in case we get in the water.

I have zero intentions of getting even near the lake, but you know what they say, it's better to be safe then sorry, so carrying an extra bag won't hurt.

We park the car and to my surprise, the lake is not as close as I thought, but once I see it, after a quick walk into the woods - that almost made me die, being the lazy person that I am - I'm amazed.

This place is breathtaking.

Although it's not cold, the day is a bit cloudy, not the best for a lake party if you ask me, but no one seems to care. There are girls going around in their tiny bikinis and boys only in their shorts everywhere I look.

It's the first time I see them almost undressed, because let's be honest, the girls are practically naked in that bikini of theirs, and I feel weird seeing some of my colleagues I recognize from class in just swimsuits.

I don't see Noah anywhere, so I kind of have hope he won't show up at all. I shouldn't even be looking for him in the crowd in the first place, but I can't help it.

Too much for not caring, huh?

I just want to know where he is so I can avoid him, that's all.

I turn my attention back to my friends, just to see Mads, Logan and Tyler distracted discussing something about swimming pools being better than lakes.

Sometimes they are even weirder than me. 

''Do you have any idea how many terrible things might happen in the lake? There are monsters living in it's depth, alligators, snakes, weird fishes, it's just disgusting. Haven't you seen those movies where everyone dies in the lake? Swimming pools are a controlled environment.''

Tyler's face is priceless as if he's saying the most obvious thing in the world and I can't deny he kind of has a point here.

''Don't be ridiculous. Lakes are just amazing. You can't have all this view in the swimming pool. I won't even mention the size, pools are small, look at the lake. I'm so right, am I not, man?'' Logan turns to Mark for support and he just nods, not taking anyone's side, while Mads just laughs.

''Lakes are cool.'' Mads comes in Logan's defense.

''See, I told you. Now, if you excuse me, I'll go get into the water, while you stay here and don't have fun Tyler.''

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