Chapter 39 - You should totally come with us

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It's been a few days that I had my date with Noah and what I can tell you is that it was freaking great. When we got back to his apartment, he actually had a surprise, as he said.

He bought me a gift specially for this moment. A book I've been bragging about since forever now.

I don't think I could have asked for a better boyfriend and since that day, we've been closer than ever. Am I lucky or what?

The week went by pretty fast and it's finally Saturday. We decided to not go to any parties this weekend - thank God.

Today is the 'College Dance National Championship' finale that is going to be hosted here, so instead of drinking and partying, here we are, at the benches to watch the whole thing.

Well, Mads, Olivia and I are the ones who actually want to see it, while Tyler is complaining, Logan said he'd meet us later, Mark is supporting his girlfriend and Noah doesn't really care to be here.

"Dance? Really? What will girls think if they see me here? My masculinity is at risk." Tyler is so overdramatic that it makes me laugh. He crosses his arms over his chest to make his point.

"You're being enough of a drama queen. Seeing you at a dance competition will be the least of their problems. Or maybe, girls might think you're sensitive for once." Mads rolls her eyes and Oli nods in agreement, before stuffing her mouth with popcorn.

"Hey, I have feelings, Madeleine. Will you control your woman, please?" Tyler then turns to Mark, who's chuckling at their argument.

''This is between the two of you, I'm out on this one.''

''Thank you, you're a very good friend. Now I'll be stuck watching girls twirling around in short dresses.'' Tyler's eyes widen in realization to what he just said. ''This might not be so bad after all.''

You know, just Tyler being Tyler.

Noah is quiet, tracing circles on my hand, looking at it intently. He's so serious that I wonder what's on his mind.

"Alright, so while we wait, we have an important topic to discuss. Thanksgiving is just around the corner."

"There's nothing to discuss about it, babe. We'll do what we always do. We'll go to the lake house, then home and back to campus." Mark says as if there's really nothing to discuss.

I know their group has this tradition to go to Noah's lake house for the holiday before meeting their own families on the actual Thanksgiving. Mads told me they've been doing it for many years now and this trip is a big deal to them.

The holiday is next week, so Mads is hectic about it.

As they are still discussing details on how this will work, I start feeling slighly uncomfortable with this conversation.

I hate thanksgiving, I've always have.

It makes me feel bad because, you know, thanksgiving is about being grateful and spending time with your family and loved ones.

All I've ever done during this holiday is to feel miserable and alone.

Too much for being grateful.

I've always spent it either at Abby's or literally alone. The couple times my father wanted to make it a family holiday didn't end well.

Yeah, definetely not my favorite time of the year.

My dad actually asked me to spend the holiday with him and I even considered going, as I think we're getting along better, but then I thought it might be too soon. We're just starting to have a decent relationship and this would bring many memories that could ruin everything, so thanks, but I'll pass.

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