Chapter 36 - You're not just any girl

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As if sensing my presence, he turns his head and looks at me. I don't know what happened with him the past couple of hours, but he looks more tired than ever.

''Is everything ok?'' He stands up and his expression turns into a concerned one.

I think we both know what's going on, but none of us have the guts to say it out loud.

He rejected me, but for some reason, I know there's something else stopping him. It's not because he doesn't want me, because it's pretty obvious, by the way we're exchanging looks, that we want each other.

That's crystal clear. If the tension in the air isn't enough to realize that, the fact that it looks like we're both having trouble breathing should be.

''I can't sleep.'' He looks away and I know he's feeling as uncomfortable as I am. He starts to come to my direction slowly, his hands inside his pockets.

''Well, that makes two of us.'' As if afraid to come any closer, he stops right in front of me, but still keeping a good distance. Smart choice.

I'm still trying to play it cool. As if that would be possible.

I'm thankful for the support the wall I'm leaning on is providing me, because I swear my knees are weak and I might fall at any minute. I'm not taking into account the fact that I'm shaking, so the wall also helps me to be more at ease.

He's staring down at me as if his perfect blue eyes could burn holes in my entire soul. Actually, I think they can. The intensity of his stare is like he's seeing me for the first time, the real me.

His expression is of pure admiration and I never thought I'd have someone looking at me like that. I especially didn't think this person could be Noah.

It feels so freaking amazing.

However, if he wants me like part of me believes he does, then why he rejected me earlier? He suddenly looks conflicted - as he's been doing a lot lately - as if deciding if he should hug me or run away.

For some reason, all I want right now is his hug.

Yeah, his embrace turned out to be where I feel the safest. If one day I get famous and get invited to those talk shows and they ask me my favorite place, I won't even hesitate to say Noah Allen's arms.

I really wish I could hug him and the only reason I don't do it, is because if anything is going to happen between us, I won't be the one making a move. I've already reached my rejection limit for the night.

I look down and... oh my freaking God!

I just realize I'm wearing only his hoodie and no pants. Did you hear me? No pants.

I mean, he gave me sweatpants and a t-shirt, but I was feeling hot, so I took them off, just staying on my underwear. I did put his hoodie back on to leave his room though, because it smells so good.

Another question for the talk show. Favorite smell? Noah's cologne on his hoodie.

Shit, shit, shit.

I'm thankful his hoodie is long enough in my small body to cover part of my legs, so it isn't that embarrassing.

I know he just realized what I'm wearing too, because his eyes are as wide as mine and I see he's checking me out. He's not even pretending he's not.

Ok, now I'm embarrassed.

I try to push the hoodie down to hide my bare legs a bit more and avoid his stare any longer, but that just makes it more awkward.

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