Chapter 13 - His embrace feels too good

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I look again at the person who just made everything literally fly everywhere to find the one human I want to avoid for the rest of my life.

Of course it had to be Noah. The only explanation I can think of is that the universe is playing a sick joke on me.

I'm sure it's like 'Hey Noah, she's there almost crying, so let's mix it up, we'll put you on her way, ok? Now go.'

Universe, you are a bitch.

''Are you following me? I think you're getting this a bit too far, White.''

I don't say anything at his obvious joke. I'm already on the verge of crying, so I don't want to deal with him right now.

I just bend down to get my things while he crosses his arms, not bothering to help me.

Such a gentleman.

He realizes something is wrong as I'm not acting my normal self, which would be to say something harsh back at his comment instead of staying quiet, so concern flashes through his face.

''Ow, what happened?''

He kneels down to get to my level and looks at me, but I avoid his gaze and focus on collecting my papers.

I still don't answer, I'm afraid if I talk, tears will go down my face like crazy. He grabs my wrists softly to make me stop and I finally look at him, my chin trembling due to my attempt to not cry.

''Emma, are you ok? What's going on?''

I can't do this anymore. I sit on the floor and let the tears out. I cover my face with my hands, because I don't want him to see me cry. Trust me, it's not a pretty view.

I'm sobbing by the time I feel his arms around me pulling me into a side hug, only a few moments later.

We stay silent and I see some people passing by us, eyeing us weirdly. I guess it's not everyday you see two students hugging each other on the floor, but I don't care.

I'm too sad and his embrace feels too good for me to give a shit. He doesn't seem to mind having me in his arms too, which is confusing.

''Don't cry, please. Tell me what happened.''

''My father.'' Is all I manage to say and I feel his body stiffen.

I don't want to tell him about my father or his texts or anything, he's not even my friend, but I can't deny that I could use someone to talk to right now.

He pulls away just enough to be able to look at me, an interested expression on his face. He holds my elbow and helps me to stand up and I just follow his actions.

''Your father? What about him?''

''It's just... He... I don't want to see him.''

I know I don't make any sense, but I just can't stop crying and I can't find the words to say anything coherent.

''What do you mean?''

''He wants me to go home to visit hm, but I don't... I can't.''

More tears roll down my face and he pulls me in again for another hug. I just rest my head on his hard chest letting all the frustration out.

I feel him stroking my hair and it's a weird feeling. A good feeling. I never thought he'd be the one comforting me in this situation.

Maybe I'm just too vulnerable and anyone who comforted me would make me feel like this.

''I'm wetting your shirt.'' I pull away, my hands on his chest and I look at his eyes, actually feeling calmer.

''Don't worry about it.'' He gives me a genuine small smile and that actually makes my heart to skip a bit.

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