Chapter 4 - I hate her

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I'm lying on my bed trying to read a book, but it has been impossible to concentrate.

Not when all I have on my mind is Emma.

I've been doing my best to ignore her and pretend I don't care, so every time she's around, I leave the place or make a rude comment.

At first it was kind of genuine, I didn't have to make any effort to hate her, I've been doing this for a long time, after all.

At least that's what I tell myself.

However, although it's been just a couple of days that she's hanging out with us, it's enough for me to say that she's kind of different than I thought.

She's nice, funny and has those blue eyes that are the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen. Not to mention her smile.

How stupid does that sound?

This girl is driving me absolutely insane, but not in the nice way as one might think.

I just can't stand her.

For the past two years, I've been sort of hating her. She clearly doesn't remember me, but I remember her just too well.

Well, my dad wouldn't let me forget her anyway.

While I'm lost in my thoughts, Madeleine storms inside my apartment with her hands on her hips and looks at me with that typical Madeleine look that I can only describe as a mix of bossy and annoying excitement.

What was I thinking when I gave her a copy of my keys?

''It's her, isn't she?'' I was waiting for this moment. I knew she'd figure it out sooner or later, I just didn't think it would be that fast.

''I don't know what you're talking about.''

''Oh, Noah Allen, I know you way too well, don't think you can fool me. Spill.''

I roll my eyes at her attitude, but I don't really mind. Not with her at least.

I mean, no one, absolutely no one talks to me like that and if they did, they wouldn't have the chance to do it a second time. She annoys me, there's no doubt about it, but she's like a sister to me, who knows everything about my life and I can't imagine not having her around, so I can live with her attitude.

Not that I'll ever tell her that.

''Fine, it's her. So what?'' There's no point in denying it, so I just admit to get this done with.

''Are you kidding me? This is the girl you've been talking about for the past two years Noah. Two years and for some reason fate brought you two together to fix whatever messed up feelings you have for her.''

''Do you even listen to yourself Madeleine?'' I stand up angrily from my bed and start pacing from one side to the other.

''God, put some pants on, please.'' I'm wearing only my boxers, but I don't care.

I grab my jeans on my dresser though and do as she says, just to avoid her killer look.

''The only feeling I have for her is hate. Don't you remember the promise I made myself and my dad?''

''Oh yes, I remember, but don't you remember what happened before you made that promise? There was a part of you who liked her Noah.''

''You're out of your fucking mind.'' Now I'm getting angry.

I don't like being call out on things, that's why she's so fucking annoying.

I always get what I want, when I want. It's always been like that. Being the son of an important businessman, having a rich as shit and influential family get people to fear me and flinch when they hear the last name Allen, so generally I get them to do whatever the fuck I want them to do.

Before She Even KnowsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora