Chapter 17 - The Jane Austen kind of girl

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He takes a step closer and with a fast move, he cups my cheeks and in one second his lips are on mine.

I don't react for a moment, until I realize what's really happening. Before I can gain control of my actions, I find myself kissing him back.

Just like our kiss yesterday, I feel the mint, but it's mixed with vodka this time. It's as intoxicating as I remember, his lips warm and it tastes so good. His tongue skilfully enters my mouth, my tongue finding his and both of them working in sync.

It's a rough and deep kiss, full of emotions, frustration and an urgency that it's as if our lives depend on it.

His hands slip into my loose hair, pulling it slightly, while I put my hands on his back to pull him closer to me. I'm pressed against the door, his body against mine and I can feel his muscles contract under my touch as our bodies collide together.

Even drunk, he's a good kisser and for the second time this weekend, a weird feeling is awakening inside of me.

Things start to get heated and the moment he bits my bottom lip, sucking it into his teeth, I forget about all the terrible things he said to me.

Damn, I don't think I ever had such a sexy kiss.

I'm the first one to pull away, not because I actually want to, but suddenly, my brain forgot how to function. We're both panting, when I look at him with wide eyes, trying to understand what the hell just happened, but he's looking at me as confused as I am.

He takes a few steps back, stumbling and sitting on Mads bed.

What the hell are we doing?

''I should probably go.'' he finally breaks the silence between us and I just nod.

He stands up and walks out the door as fast as possible, while I'm frozen in place. As soon as he leaves, I ask myself how did he even got here in the first place and without thinking I go after him.

''Noah, wait. Are you driving?''

He nods and I consider the options. I know I should let him go, but I can't let him drive like this. What if he gets pulled over or gets in a car accident or something? I can't let this happen.

''Come back inside. You can't drive this intoxicated.''

To my complete surprise, he walks back to my room without arguing. He looks even worse than before and I wonder if our kiss got him drunker. As if it's possible.

''Ok, you should lie down.'' He staggers to the bed, none of us mentioning what happened.

''Stop being this nice.'' he jerks my hand away when I try to help him.

''It's not like I'm nice on purpose, I'm just worried about you. I've never seen you like this, you can barely stand.''

He practically throws himself onto Mads bed and lies down. I sigh looking at this frustrating boy, who falls asleep at the speed of light. I take off his shoes and cover him with a blanket, before sitting beside him to look at his gorgeous face for a while.

Despite the drunk state, he looks as perfect as ever. I'm not sure if it's because he's drunk, but he seems so carefree, so vulnerable. So different from the always uptight demeanor he normally has.

How is it possible that he drives me crazy, in the best and worst way possible?

I change into my pajamas bottom as I was already wearing its top, not bothering to turn around. He's in deep sleep and I know he won't wake up.

I lie on my own bed, feeling awkward. Not in my wildest dreams, or nightmares, I'd think that this night would end up with a drunk Noah sleeping in my roommate's bed.

Before She Even KnowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon