Chapter 46 - What did you say?

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If I knew that making up with Noah would be this awesome, I would have done it before.

Ok, I actually wouldn't, because it wasn't my choice to break up, so there was nothing I could do about it.

When we went to his apartment after the party, all I could think of was how much I wanted him. So bad that I was bold enough to take control of what was happening, if you know what I mean.

I don't think I've ever felt this loved before and it's not just because he said he loves, but I felt it. Sex is always great with him, but it was different this time, like we connected in a new, deeper level.

I'm not sure if breaking up and staying away for one week is what got us to this point, but if it was, I'm starting to think it was a good thing.

I know it's weird, because you're probably thinking that I forgave him too fast. How can it be true if he broke up with me, right? I don't know too, but I just feel it.

The past couple of days with him have been nothing but incredible. The only not so nice part, as usual, is all the gossip about our relationship. I should be used to the glares of all the girls that think they have a chance to date him, but I don't think I could ever get used to it.

Apart from the girls that I shouldn't give a shit about, but can't avoid feeling annoyed, Mads, the only one whose opinion matters, is a bit mad at me.

She says that now that Noah and I are back together, we don't give her attention anymore.

I love my drama queen so much.

Truth be told, I'm staying at his apartment all the spare time we have, so she kind of has a point. That's why I'm sitting at our usual spot at the coffee shop waiting for her and Olivia to meet me. It's not like we do this every morning anyway.

"So, you and Noah are back together, aren't you?" I'm taking a sip of my heavenly coffee when I see the devil herself.

I look up to find Diana with a very frustrated face and her arms crossed over her chest, her breasts popping out of her way too tight pink top. Doesn't she know it's cold? Jeez, cover up so you won't freeze.

Besides, why do I always have to see her at this place? Maybe I should find another coffee shop where my mood won't be ruined by her unnecessary presence.

She's probably pissed because she thought she'd hook up with Noah again after our break up.

Yeah, her and BC's female population. Get in line Barbie.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I hear Noah's raspy voice before I could answer her. I didn't know he was coming here too, so I guess he decided to join us.

She looks at him angrily and narrows her eyes.

"Well, I'm asking her if you're back together." The disgusted way she talks about me makes me want to punch her in the face.

"It's none of your damn business, so back off Diana." Oh, I wasn't expecting him to be this rude to her, even if she deserves it.

"Are you sure it's not my business?" She puts her hands on her hips, her tons of bracelets making an annoyingly loud sound.

Her eyes are challenging him and I know instantly that she's hiding something. 

"Go away. I'm warning you."

"Ok, ok, jeez, no need to get all upset. I'll go, don't worry. I won't come between you and your girlfriend."

She turns around and leaves us, but not before winking at Noah. She winked at him?

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