Chapter 37 - I hope you two are happy together

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I'm not sure how I should begin to describe what happened that night with Noah. It was simply amazing.

It's not only the fact that the sex was great, because let's be honest, he's very good at it, but it's the fact that he cared. He really cared. He asked me a million times if I was ok, he made sure that I felt comfortable with everything and he was more than a gentleman.

I loved every single second of it.

It's like sleeping with him made everything fall into place. I'm not an expert, but the connection and chemistry we had was out of this world. It's like this was right all along.

I've always been secretly afraid that I'd meet a guy in college, then I'd start to have feelings for him, we'd have sex and he would suddenly ignore me forever because he got what he wanted and I'd be left heartbroken.

Considering my short history with Noah and the fact that a month ago we hated each other, I confess the thought crossed my mind. I now trust him with all I have - I tell him about my family for Christ sake - but still it was something I was afraid that could happen.

He sleeps with girls all the time, no strings attached and zero feelings in the process and then goes to the next one in his line of girls in a heartbeat, so why would it be different with me?

Well, he actually wanted to date you, not just hook up.

I know, but still.

When I woke up the next day, I looked up to find him deep asleep. I kept staring at him a bit creepily for a few minutes until I finally managed to look away. It's not my fault that the guy is an absolute Greek God and don't get me started with his six pack.

The view was quite something, but I'll keep that to myself. If I start thinking about it, I'll hyperventilate, images of everything we did last night on my mind.

When I tried to get up, he tightened his grip around me, stopping me from moving. When I looked again at his sleeping face, he had a cute frown, apparently bothered that I was leaving the bed and I couldn't avoid the smile on my face.

I decided to stay lazily in his arms until he woke up, already late in the morning. After tonight, cuddling with him became my favorite sport.

When he was awake and looked down at me, I just cupped his face and kissed him. He suddenly was on top of me and what I've been imagining since I opened my eyes finally happened.

Well, let's just say that I'll have to add something to my favorite sport.

Cuddling and morning sex.

Noah was even more perfect when we managed to get out of bed. He made us breakfast and after talking for what felt like forever, he drove me back to campus, only because I insisted I had to study, much against my will, I must say.

My inner girl was crossing her arms looking at me disappointed while Noah was pouting like a kid who's not getting things his way. He reinforced how much he wanted to spend the day with me, but I really needed to study.

I was consciously passing the chance to spend more time with Noah to stuff my face in books.

I'm so responsible, I know.

After he dropped me off, I went to take a shower and get changed before going to the library. I wasn't lying when I said I had a lot of study to do.

I was sitting at my usual spot at the library with books all around me, trying to get into my head whatever the professors have been saying. It's not only about the exams, but I have a very hard creative writing assignment due this week that I need to focus on.

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